而REF又给出了Oxford法律学科学术成果在“科研成果”、“科研影响”和“科研环境”三个要素方面的单独评级(右侧“Outputs”、“Impact”和“Environment”部分)。 (图片来源:REF官网,https://results2021.ref.ac.uk/profiles/units-of-assessment/18) 2021 REF评估结果 总体表现 2021年的REF细分了34个学科领域,共有...
比如如果你想了解UCL在Architecture, Built Environment and Planning方面的REF2021成绩,可以在https://results2021.ref.ac.uk/进行学校和领域的筛选,然后你就可以看到,UCL在这个领域绝大多数研究都被评为了3和4,也就是世界领先和国际卓越。 点击查看大图 至于REF2021涵盖的学科,官方称为units of assessment (UOA) ...
https://www.ref.ac.uk/panels/units-of-assessment/. ④除了主流QR拨款外,QR拨款还包括其他五种拨款:QR研究型研究生(RDP)指导资金、QR慈善资助配套资金、QR商业研究配套资金、QR国家研究图书馆资助资金、全球挑战研究资金。 -END- 北京大学中国教...
ForREF 2021, more than 76,132 academics submitted at least one output across 28 units of assessment (UoA). Of the 185,594 research outputs assessed by expert panels, 41 per cent were deemed world-leading (4*) and 43 per cent judged outstanding (3*). Some 7,000 impact case studies and...
The percentage was highest in the Art and Design (57%), Classics (56%), Archaeology (44%) and History (42%) Units of Assessment (UoAs). A content analysis of Art and Design case studies showed that collaborations or consultations with museums (25%), public engagement activities (23%),...
score. In those 20 Units of Assessment (henceforth UoA) where high-scoring case studies could be identified in this way, we also accessed all case studies known to have scored either 1* or 2* in order to compare the features of high-scoring case studies to those of low-scoring case ...
There were other major changes, too. Consultation with universities resulted in the replacement of 1986’s 37 cost centres (subject areas) with 152 subject units of assessment, assessed by nearly 70 panels assembled for the purpose, significantly increasing the scale of the operation. Each panel ...
All University of Gloucestershire, subject areas were judged as having 'internationally excellent' research. Sport research at University of Gloucestershire The university made submissions to 13 Units of Assessment (UoAs) for REF 2021, more than doubling the numb...
Field Assessment and Coordination Team (FACT), Emergency Response Units (ERU) and Disaster Relief and Emergenc…gwy.haedu.cn|基于15个网页 2. 救灾应急基金 救灾应急基金(DREF)您已经评价过!wenwen.soso.com|基于5个网页 3. 标准密度 ———为适合于我国的使用习惯,在表5中补充用石油计量表确定标准密度...
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