HAN XF, LI S, ZHANG M, YANG LY, LIU YD, XU J, ZHANG SQ. Regulation of GDSL lipase gene expression by the MPK3/MPK6 cascade and its downstream WRKY transcription factors in Arabidopsis immunity. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions® , 2019 , 32(6): 673 -684 CrossRef Google Scho...
Categorical data were compared by Chi-sq test. Kaplan-Meier curves for time to ST were compared by log-rank test. Results At 48 h, death, MI, ischemia driven revascularization, or ST was lower with cangrelor vs. clopidogrel (48 [4.7% ] vs 70 [6.7% ] ; OR 0.69, p=0.055). Death ...
(site-specific delivery of eplereone to the myocardium); and consultant fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lexicon, and consultant fees and owning stock/stock options for Vifor , ScPharmaceuticals, SQinnovations, G3 Pharmaceuticals, KBP Biosciences, Sarfez Pharmaceuticals, C...
(site-specific delivery of eplereone to the myocardium); and consultant fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lexicon, and consultant fees and owning stock/stock options for Vifor , ScPharmaceuticals, SQinnovations, G3 Pharmaceuticals, KBP Biosciences, Sarfez Pharmaceuticals, C...
Serum interleukin-8 (IL-8) levels and tumor neutrophil infiltration are associated with worse prognosis in advanced cancers. Here, using a large-scale retrospective analysis, we show that elevated baseline serum IL-8 levels are associated with poor outco
Initially, we assessed endogenous basal expression of autophagy markers; microtubule-associated protein light chain 3B (LC3B), forms I and II, and the selective autophagy receptor p62/sequestosome1 (SQSTM1) protein in BAL cells. Western Blot analysis from IPF and control groups showed no ...
The ITO glass substrates (TEC20, ~16 Ω sq−1, Ossila LTD) were etched using Zn powder and HCl. They were cleaned by ultrasonication in an aqueous Hellmanex solution (2%) and rinsed with water, followed by acetone, ethanol and IPA. The substrates were then dried with N2stream and...
Su LJ, Lei SL, Liu L, Liu LY, Zhang YF, Shi SQ, Yan XB (2018) Sprinkling MnFe2O4 quantum dots on nitrogen-doped graphene sheets: the formation mechanism and application for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. J Mater Chem A 6:997–10007. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8TA02982B ...
(site-specific delivery of eplereone to the myocardium); and consultant fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lexicon, and consultant fees and owning stock/stock options for Vifor , ScPharmaceuticals, SQinnovations, G3 Pharmaceuticals, KBP Biosciences, Sarfez Pharmaceuticals, C...
(site-specific delivery of eplereone to the myocardium); and consultant fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lexicon, and consultant fees and owning stock/stock options for Vifor , ScPharmaceuticals, SQinnovations, G3 Pharmaceuticals, KBP Biosciences, Sarfez Pharmaceuticals, C...