Categorical data were compared by Chi-sq test. Kaplan-Meier curves for time to ST were compared by log-rank test. Results At 48 h, death, MI, ischemia driven revascularization, or ST was lower with cangrelor vs. clopidogrel (48 [4.7% ] vs 70 [6.7% ] ; OR 0.69, p=0.055). Death ...
(site-specific delivery of eplereone to the myocardium); and consultant fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lexicon, and consultant fees and owning stock/stock options for Vifor , ScPharmaceuticals, SQinnovations, G3 Pharmaceuticals, KBP Biosciences, Sarfez Pharmaceuticals, C...
we assessed endogenous basal expression of autophagy markers; microtubule-associated protein light chain 3B (LC3B), forms I and II, and the selective autophagy receptor p62/sequestosome1 (SQSTM1) protein in BAL cells. Western
Su LJ, Lei SL, Liu L, Liu LY, Zhang YF, Shi SQ, Yan XB (2018) Sprinkling MnFe2O4 quantum dots on nitrogen-doped graphene sheets: the formation mechanism and application for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. J Mater Chem A 6:997–10007. ...
The ITO glass substrates (TEC20, ~16 Ω sq−1, Ossila LTD) were etched using Zn powder and HCl. They were cleaned by ultrasonication in an aqueous Hellmanex solution (2%) and rinsed with water, followed by acetone, ethanol and IPA. The substrates were then dried with N2stream and...
Serum interleukin-8 (IL-8) levels and tumor neutrophil infiltration are associated with worse prognosis in advanced cancers. Here, using a large-scale retrospective analysis, we show that elevated baseline serum IL-8 levels are associated with poor outco
(site-specific delivery of eplereone to the myocardium); and consultant fees from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lexicon, and consultant fees and owning stock/stock options for Vifor , ScPharmaceuticals, SQinnovations, G3 Pharmaceuticals, KBP Biosciences, Sarfez Pharmaceuticals, C...
Tin-lead(Sn-Pb) perovskite solar cells (PSCs) can attain higher power conversion efficiency(PCE)than pure Pb based PSCs, owing to theiridealband gap (1.2 eV-1.4 eV) according to the Shockley Queisser (SQ) limit[1,2]. However,being a low bandgap materialand prone to oxidation of Sn~(...
The obtained AgNP@RGO/PU composite exhibited a remarkably enhanced electrical property (<10Ω/sq).doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2015.05.017Sheng-Tsung Hsiao aChen-Chi M. Ma aHsi-Wen Tien aWei-Hao Liao aYu-Sheng Wang aShin-Ming Li a
For simplicity, the hydroxyl- and reGpoOxyw-ahsydsurobxjeyclt-efudntoctvioanriaoluizsemd ricGrOoscsoampipclaensdwsepreecdterosisgcnoaptiecdcahsarraGcOte1riaznadtiorGn Ote2c,hrneisqpueecstifvoerlyd. eTthaeilesdynmthoerspihzeod- logical, structural and chemical characterizations. The friction ...