Aredstone comparatoris often confused with a redstone repeater. The two look similar, are made of similar components and have nearly identical functions. There are only a few minor distinctions between the two. However, these minor distinctions are what define the crucial difference between them. ...
To compare the state of the block in front of it. It may seem like a redstone repeater in appearance, but its functions are entirely different. The signal it emits depends on the state the block it is comparing is in. A comparator will check how full a chest is, the direction an ite...
antiredstoneclockremastered.commands.FeatureCommand; import net.onelitefeather.antiredstoneclockremastered.commands.ReloadCommand; import net.onelitefeather.antiredstoneclockremastered.listener.*; import net.onelitefeather.antiredstoneclockremastered.listener.ComparatorListener; import net.onelitefeather.ant...