GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA sensitive_data TO auditing_group: CREATE TABLE sensitive_data_new_table ( column1 datatypel, column2 datatype2, sensitive_column datatype3 ); GRANT SELECT ON sensitive_data_new_table TO auditing_group 比如,一家公司使用Amazon Redshift作为其数据仓库。新表的列包含敏感数据。
GRANT EXPLAIN MASKINGTOROLE rolename 有关EXPLAIN 命令的更多信息,请参阅EXPLAIN。 根据所使用的筛选条件或联接条件,具有不同角色的用户会看到不同的结果。例如,如果运行命令的用户应用了会模糊处理特定列的屏蔽策略,则在使用该列值的表上运行 SELECT 命令将失败。
来自 libguestfs-tools 包的 guestmount 程序可以让你从 Linux 中访问或 挂载 虚拟磁盘镜像。你可以在 ...
CREATE EXTERNAL SCHEMA s3 FROM DATA CATALOG DATABASE 'default' REGION 'us-west-2' IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Redshift-S3'; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA s3 TO public; 显示Amazon Redshift 表中的行计数。SELECT count(*) FROM public.lineitem; count --- 25075099 显示Aurora PostgreSQL ...
grant all on schema app_bm_graphics_lf_telemetry_${env}_spectrum_stage to {user}; unload 表数据 -> s3: UNLOAD ('${deduplication_select_sql}') TO 's3://seals-lf-normalized-data-lake-${env}/temp/${table_name}/' iam_role 'arn:aws:iam::{420302173806/851474929481}:role/DEVELOPER' ...
(text)END)WITHINGROUP(ORDERBYsequence)ASquery_statementFROMstl_utilitytextGROUPBYuserid, xidorderbyxid)SELECTutil_cmds.userid, stl_userlog.username, query_statementFROMutil_cmdsLEFTJOINstl_userlogON(util_cmds.userid = stl_userlog.userid)WHEREquery_statementILIKE'%GRANT%'ORquery_statementILIKE'%...
based on the updates or conversations you have had with the feature, will apply those learnings to other user conversations who connect to the same database with their own credentials. In the generative SQL settings, you can see the instructions to grant thesys:monitorrole to a user...
Grant VIEW DEFINITION and VIEW DATABASE STATE to each schema you are trying to convert to the database user used for migration. Create a Redshift Serverless data warehouse In this step, we create a Redshift Serverless data warehouse with a workgroup and namespace. A workgroup is ...
default_target_schema_select_permissions String Grant USAGE privilege on newly created schemas and grant SELECT privilege on newly created tables to a specific list of users or groups. Example: {"users": ["user_1","user_2"], "groups": ["group_1", "group_2"]} If schema_mapping is not...