GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA 不会授予对外部架构的 CREATE 权限。 您可以针对为 Lake Formation 启用的 AWS Glue Data Catalog 中的表授予 ALL 权限。在这种情况下,各个权限(如 SELECT、ALTER 等)将记录在 Data Catalog 中。 注意 Amazon Redshift 不支持 RULE 和 TRIGGER 权限。有关更多信息,请转至不支持的 PostgreS...
t1=# grant all privileges on schema s1 to u1;GRANT t1=# grant all privileges on schema s2 to u1;GRANT t1=# \c - u1 You are now connected to database “t1” as user “u1”.t1=> create table s1.table1(hid int);CREATE TABLE t1=> create view s2.view1 as select * from s1....
t1=> select * from s2.view1; hid (0 rows) 案例2: redshift数据库,用户lukes访问cl_crm.v_account,用户lukes不仅需要cl_crm的usage权限和cl_crm.v_account的select权限,还需要cl_crm.v_account基表对应schema的usage权限,但是不需要基表raw_wam.ibdwsurvey、raw_c3.ibdwsurveyinfo的select权限 创建用户luke...
DESCRIBE and DESCRIBE GRANTABLE permissions on the AWS Glue database that contains the published table. DESCRIBE, SELECT, DESCRIBE GRANTABLE, SELECT GRANTABLE permissions in Lake Formation on the published table itself. For more information, see Granting and revoking permissions on catalog resources in...
SELECT'GRANT SELECT ON "'+ TABLE_SCHEMA +'"."'+ TABLE_NAME +'" TO "chartio_read_only"'FROM information_schema.tables Select and copy the query results into the query window. Remove any tables or views you do not wish the “chartio_read_only user” to have access to. In this exampl...
On the page for the user's role, underPermissions, chooseAdd permissions. ChooseAttach policies. Search for theAmazonRedshiftFullAccessmanaged policy and select it. ChooseAttach policiesto attach the policy to the role. After attaching the policy, the role’sPermissionssection should now includeAmaz...
Caricamento di dati da DynamoDB in Amazon Redshift con COPY Integrazione con Amazon EMR Tutorial: Utilizzo di Amazon DynamoDB e Apache Hive Fase 1: creare una coppia di EC2 chiavi Amazon Fase 2: Avvio di un EMR cluster Amazon Fase 3: connessione al nodo principale Fase 4: ...
GRANT{{SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | DROP | REFERENCES | ALTER | TRUNCATE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON{[ TABLE ]table_name[, ...] | ALL TABLES IN SCHEMAschema_name[, ...] } TO{username[ WITH GRANT OPTION ] | ROLErole_name| GROUPgroup_name| PUBLIC } [, ....
GRANT { { SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | DROP | REFERENCES | ALTER | TRUNCATE } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON { [ TABLE ] table_name [, ...] | ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA schema_name [, ...] } TO { username [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] | ROLE role_name | GROUP group_...