CONVERT ZU_ CHAR TO_ DATE ZU_ NUMBER TEXT_ZU_ _ INT ALT TEXT_ZU_ _ NUMERIC ALT Datum-/Uhrzeit-Formatzeichenfolgen Numerische Formatzeichenfolgen Formatierung im Teradata-Stil für numerische Daten Datums- und Zeitfunktionen Operator + (Verkettung) ADD_MONTHS AT TIME ZONE CONVERT_TIMEZONE CU...
CONVERT TO_CHAR TO_DATE TO_NUMBER TEXT_TO_INT_ALT TEXT_TO_NUMERIC_ALT Datetime format strings Numeric format strings Teradata-style formatting for numeric data Date and time functions + (Concatenation) operator ADD_MONTHS AT TIME ZONE CONVERT_TIMEZONE CURRENT_DATE DATE_CMP DATE_CMP_TIMESTAMP DA...
在Redshift中,可以使用DATE_PART函数将时间戳转换为整数。DATE_PART函数用于提取时间戳中的特定部分,例如年、月、日、小时、分钟、秒等。 以下是将时间戳转换为整数的示例: ``...
Feat(connection, application_name): set to calling module if unspecified. [Brooke White] Docs(Connection, numeric_to_float): add disclaimer for precision tradeoffs. [Brooke White] Feat(Connection, numeric_to_float): add connection option to convert numeric datatype to Python float. [Brooke Wh...
Open a PR on github. To ensure a smooth code review process, please follow these steps: Install the project pre-commit hooks:pre-commit install If you don't already have .env configure at top level directory, copy the example usingcp .env.example .env ...
Developers need to extensively convert those functions manually. This post outlines the most common array functions: ARRAY_UPPER JSON_EXTACT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TEXT and JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH UNNEST () STRING_AGG() ANY ARRAY() ARRAY_UPPER() This function returns the upper...
Developers need to extensively convert those functions manually. This post outlines the most common array functions: ARRAY_UPPER JSON_EXTACT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TEXT and JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH UNNEST () STRING_AGG() ANY ARRAY() ARRAY_UPPER() This function returns the uppe...
使用kettle将一个postgresql数据拷贝到另外一个postgresql时报“字段 "id" 的类型为 uuid, 但表达式的类型...
本文档详细介绍了Redshift和MaxCompute之间SQL语法的异同。这篇文档有助于加快sql任务迁移到MaxCompute。由于Redshift和MaxCompute之间语法存在很多差异,因此我们需要修改Redshift上编写的脚本,然后才能在MaxCompute中使用,因为服务之间的SQL方言不同。 2.迁移前RedShift于MaxCompute的各项对比差异 ...
LOCALDATEDATE LOCALDATETIMETIMESTAMP INSTANTTIMESTAMP_TZFor source connectors created before August 30, 2021, we convert INSTANT to TIMESTAMP. STRINGVARCHAR or TEXTVARCHAR ifbytelengthis present, else TEXT. JSONVARCHAR BINARYVARBYTEFor source connectors created before September 1, 2022, we convert BINAR...