split_to_array subarray Bit-wise aggregate functions BIT_AND BIT_OR BOOL_AND BOOL_OR Conditional expressions CASE DECODE GREATEST and LEAST NVL and COALESCE NVL2 NULLIF Data type formatting functions CAST CONVERT TO_CHAR TO_DATE TO_NUMBER TEXT_TO_INT_ALT TEXT_TO_NUMERIC_ALT Datetime format str...
CONVERT TO_CHAR TO_DATE TO_NUMBER TEXT_TO_INT_ALT TEXT_TO_NUMERIC_ALT Datetime format strings Numeric format strings Teradata-style formatting for numeric data Date and time functions Hash functions HyperLogLog functions JSON functions Machine learning functions Math functions Object functions Spatial fu...
it will analyze an entire schema or individual tables. The ANALYZE COMPRESSION (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_ANALYZE_COMPRESSION.html) command is used to determine if any of the columns in the table require updating, and if so a script is generated to convert to the op...
character varying”异常,源postgresql中id字段是uuid类型,但是经过kettle后却变成了string类型,处理这个...
Developers need to extensively convert those functions manually. This post outlines the most common array functions: ARRAY_UPPER JSON_EXTACT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TEXT and JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH UNNEST () STRING_AGG() ANY ARRAY() ARRAY_UPPER() This function returns the uppe...
import io.github.spark_redshift_community.spark.redshift.RedshiftInputFormat val records = sc.newAPIHadoopFile( path, classOf[RedshiftInputFormat], classOf[java.lang.Long], classOf[Array[String]])ConfigurationAuthenticating to S3 and Redshift...
Developers need to extensively convert those functions manually. This post outlines the most common array functions: ARRAY_UPPER JSON_EXTACT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TEXT and JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH UNNEST () STRING_AGG() ANY ARRAY() ARRAY_UPPER() This function returns the upper...
Replace theCONVERT_TIMEZONE(a,b,c)function with the following function: timezone(b, timezone(a,c)) Replace theGETDATE()function with the following function: current_timestamp(0):timestamp Replace or optimize user-defined functions (UDFs). The fo...
1. 外部表(external table) 有external修饰,表数据保存在HDFS上,该位置由用户指定。删除表时,只...
at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.FailRender(String message) (Python.Runtime.PythonException) File “C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\prod1\plugins\637110e2588d0b2a788729fa\Houdini.py”, line 438, in HandleStdoutError self.FailRender(self.GetRegexMatch(1)) at Python.Runtime.Disp...