Discover Astronomy packages the best sections of RedShift. (Maris Multimedia) (Software Review)(Brief Article)(Evaluation)Johnson, Dave
ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 1.2.2008 Thenatureofintermediate-redshiftdampedLyαabsorbers ⋆ V.LeBrun 1 ,J.Bergeron 2,3 ,P.Boiss´e 4 ,andJ.M.Deharveng 1 1 Laboratoired’AstronomieSpatialeduC.N.R.S.,B.P.8,F-13376MarseilleCEDEX12,France,, ...
Conference on Advanced Software and Control for AstronomyWang D., Zhang Y., Cui C. and Zhao Y., "Software kits for measuring photometric redshifts," Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy. Proceedings of the SPIE, 6274, pp. 13-23, 2006...