How did Edwin Hubble discover redshift?Edwin HubbleThe discoveries of Edwin Hubble have promoted an excellent understanding of the universe. In this light, Hubble`s discoveries entail real structures present in the universe, such as galaxies. Also, the discoveries of Edwin assist scientists in ...
What wavelength does the Hubble Telescope use? How does redshift help astronomers? How does a Newtonian telescope work? How did the ancient Greeks use astronomy? How does the Kepler Space Telescope discover planets? How often did the Kepler Space Telescope take measurements?
Rømer used his observations to estimate the speed of light. Since the size of the solar system and Earth's orbit wasn't yet accurately known, argued a 1998 paper in theAmerican Journal of Physics, he was a bit off. But at last, scientists had a number to work with. Rømer's calc...
exposure time (for each image element) 128s. In actual practice there is a ramp-up at the beginning and end. But --- "you get my drift".
How does ALMA work? The Milky Way above some of ALMA's antennae. (Image credit: Y. Beletsky (LCO)/ESO) ALMA's 66 antennae do not work individually. Instead, together they form what is known as an interferometer, which describes how they operate as a single unit or as several smaller...
In October 2022, astronomers detected a fast radio burst (FRB) — an extremely powerful blast of radio waves releasing huge amounts of energy in just a few milliseconds — in a high-redshift galaxy (meaning it was extremely far away). This wasn’t any ordinary burst, as the FRB released...
The Universe is expanding, resulting in redshift of the light from distant stars out of the visual band. Or were you just talking about smearing from the rotation of the earth relative to the firmament? BQ #18 Alex McConahay Hubble
convey the temperature, density and motion of a celestial object. If the object is moving, the chemical fingerprint may shift toward the blue end (moving toward us) or the red end (moving away from us) of the spectrum. Unfortunately, the STIS lost power in 2004. It was repaired in ...
A single photon flying through space is always perfectly happy being at the wavelength it’s in, and never has to settle into a different one the way electrons in atoms do (for example). There’s an older post here that talks a...
the expansion assume that the redshifts we measure are one particular kind. But the “motion” we measure isn’t even like a balloon might be. We find huge pulls in certain directions that we don’t understand, and which might be explained by a different redshift effect being at work....