残芯专用TWRPRecovery刷入工具V1.0.exe abd fastboot工具箱.rar 第四步:把面具文件Magisk-a848f10b(21101)-MTK.zip放到redmi9a的download文件夹中(把连接线拔掉后,USB的用途选择传输文件(MTP),这时候电脑上就能看见redmi9a了 第五步:关机后音量下键和电源键一起按住进入fastboot模式,即出现 接着电脑刷去验证,手机...
事情起因: 本人最近入了一台Redmi9手机,然后呢想搞一搞事情,就解了bl锁,听大佬说刷twrp然后整面具就能root,不过twrp目前并没有红米9,在我翻翻翻的过程中就找到了某论坛大佬改的红米9 twrp,然后想着冲冲冲直接就adb刷了进去... 结果杯具了,无限重启,还无法进入fastboot,不管怎么按都进不了fastboot,adb无法检测到...
事情起因: 本人最近入了一台Redmi9手机,然后呢想搞一搞事情,就解了bl锁,听大佬说刷twrp然后整面具就能root,不过twrp目前并没有红米9,在我翻翻翻的过程中就找到了某论坛大佬改的红米9 twrp,然后想着冲冲冲直接就adb刷了进去... 结果杯具了,无限重启,还无法进入fastboot,不管怎么按都进不了fastboot,adb无法检测到...
6023 0 01:32 App 哔站首发 iQOOPad2Pro 天玑9300+ 强解BL和刷Root 1133 4 04:27 App 有道领世学习机使用手机破解+root+移植TWRP 39.5万 489 03:07 App 7年更新150次,只为打造更强“小而美”安卓工具箱! 7602 0 00:45 App [mask]面具之下 1808 1 01:01 App vivo iQOO Z9 Turbo+ 远程强解bl ...
So I was trying to root my Redmi 7A - v10.2.1 with TWRP 3.3.1 but now I am stuck in a bootloop. What I did: 1. Flash boot.img 2. Flash recovery.img 3. Flash vbmeta.img 4. reboot Phone rebooted to system and TWRP was installed. Then I booted to TWRP to install Magisk...
Hello, I finally managed to install a custom GSI Rom with TWRP and Magisk on my Redmi 7A. And I want to share a detailed guide for everyone who is...
I cannot run twrp because it's not possible to install it on Redmi 9a yet Original boot.img isn't uploaded probably!! I zipped it becuause the github does not allow to upload IMG files and it has restriction of the file size.
9. After successfully booted TWRP now flash View attachment 4651280 and wipe data 10. Enjoy your flashing D . ROOT YOUR PHONE 1 .Donwload latest Magisk from here: https://xdaforums.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445 Put Magisk into external sd card beca...
已入手Redmi 1..如题。解锁BL中,要等168小时也就是到下周五下午4:00才能解锁BL。然后准备刷TWRP、面具root、挂XP。。。TWRP请了大神出手来帮忙做一个,以前联想P1、P2、MOTO P30 NOTE都
Procedure to Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G (Without TWRP with Magisk) Part 1: Preparing the boot image: Extract and Patch Boot.image using Magisk. Part 2: Patching the boot image: How to Install the patched Boot.image on Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro 5G?