Try this recovery : Sorry! File not found! Ssmiles Senior Member Nov 19, 2015 156 86 France Mar 16, 2022 #182 (update) unofficial twrp 3.4.2 for Redmi 9A (Dandelion) - twrp unofficial download unofficia...
17***7 永久分享 浏览器下载 客户端下载 保存至云盘 共1项 按名称排序 已选中1个创建时间大小状态 TWRP-3.4.2B-0216-REDMI9A-CN-wzsx150-fast... 2024-02-13 16:52:50 33.80 MB 有效
For some reason any recovery that I install on my redmi 9a ends up in black screen and when trying to reboot it just reboots to this broken recovery (also my pc detects in adb as recovery) I think that it might be some kind of screen problem but I don't know... I have... Gnu...
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 - Xiaomi Redmi 10X 4G Warnings: - This is not a development thread. This is a help thread. - I didn't build any of them. Use at your own risk. - I don't have the source code for any of them. Use at your own ri...
Download TWRP for your Android version: Android 6: Android 7: Reboot into fastboot mode by pressing “Volume Down” and “Power” buttons at the same time. Connect your phone to PC via USB cable. Start the “Flash-Redmi 4x ...
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