95% CI: 0.106, 2.620). We did not find an association between walkability measures and childhood obesity outcomes. We propose that cities such as Denver pursue built environment policies, such as inclusionary zoning and direct investments in neighborhoods that have been historically...
Although we did not find statistical evidence of effect measure modification by race and ethnicity, findings showed that American Indian and Alaskan Native and Black people in redlined tracts undergoing displacement or gentrification experienced the highest SMM prevalence, illuminating the injus...
polluted ground. In older parts of cities, the housing would be in poor shape,” he said. “Linking the whole patterns of racial discrimination in employment and education, part of that was a self-fulfilling kind of outcome, where Black families welled up in these denser, poor nei...
Although we did not find statistical evidence of effect measure modification by race and ethnicity, findings showed that American Indian and Alaskan Native and Black people in redlined tracts undergoing displacement or gentrification experienced the highest SMM prevalence, illuminating the injus...
Although we did not find statistical evidence of effect measure modification by race and ethnicity, findings showed that American Indian and Alaskan Native and Black people in redlined tracts undergoing displacement or gentrification experienced the highest SMM prevalence, illuminating the injus...