Objectives:To evaluate whether exposure to the United States discriminatory housing practice of redlining, which occurred in over 200 cities in the 1930s, is associated with modern-day, community-level incidence of firearm injury.Background:Firearm violence is a public health epidemic within the ...
red-lining,也作 redlining,是美国社会服务方面的术语,指“区别对待的区域”。redlining 最早出现在美国1934年的国家房屋居住法案(the National Housing Act of 1934)中。该法案允许社会服务机构,如房屋贷款和公众设施等,将城市居住区按种族、收入等因素划成不同等级的区域。对于不予投资或提高投资...
Related to redlining:gentrification,reverse redlining red·line (rĕd′līn′) v.red·lined,red·lin·ing,red·lines v.intr. 1.To refuse to provide mortgages, insurance, or other goods or services to areas deemed a poor economic risk, particularly when the residents are nonwhite. ...
We estimate the long-run effects of the 1930s Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) redlining maps by linking children in the full count 1940 Census to 1) the universe of IRS tax data in 1974 and 1979 and 2) the long form 2000 Census. We use two identification strategies to estimate the...
Moreover, the S-type lignin can interfere with ferulate copolymerization with lignin [33], which had minimal effects on cell wall lignification and could promote the utilization of the roughage. Some previous studies contradict this experiment’s findings that support the effect of S-type lignin ...
The social effects of redlining are clear, but what about the effects of these maps on the physical environment? Words still matter Federal real estate appraisers and assessors completed forms with their neighborhood descriptions for the assessed cities. Environmental terms were heavily used by ...
redlining in the Finance topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Finance: words, phrases and expressions | Finance
today. Black families have lost out on at least $212,000 in personal wealth over the last 40 years because their home was redlined, said real estate app Redfin. Where does the word come from? The term redlining is a nod to how lenders identified and referenced neighborhoods with a ...
A.Theeffectsofglobalwarming. B.Thereasonforusingwindenergy. C.Thedisadvantagesofwindfarms. D.Theworkingprincipleofwindfarms. 14.WhatdoProfessorDavidKeith?swordssuggest? A.Producingenergyiseasierthanbefore. B.Consumingenergydamagestheenvironment. C.Burningcoalshouldbetotallystopped. D.Developinglow-carbontechn...
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