EIGRP(Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)和 OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)都是常见的动态路由协议,用于帮助路由器学习网络拓扑并选择最佳路径传输数据。EIGRP 是 Cisco 开发的专有协议,而 OSPF 则是一个开放标准的协议。 路由重分发 路由重分发是将一个路由协议学习到的路由信息发送给另一个路由协议,以便...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于eigrp 引入 redistribute ospf 100的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及eigrp 引入 redistribute ospf 100问答内容。更多eigrp 引入 redistribute ospf 100相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成
3、再在R1上将EIGRP重分布进OSPF 这时你会发现,R3上除了正常收到12.1.1.0的路由之外,还多了一条汇总路由,因为在R1上做了汇总之后,生成了一条指向NULL0接口的汇总路由,这样,在把EIGRP重分布进OSPF时,把这条路由也带进去了。 试验:在R1和R4上先将OSPF重分布进RIP,看看网络会不会出问题,每个路由器的路由表正...
R4(config-router)#distance ospf external 99 inter-area 88 intra-area 77 ___ 在EIGRP中的修改: R4(config)#router eigrp 90 R4(config-router)#distance 109 (只对D路由有效,对D EX路由无效,因为EX路由是别的路由器通告的) (Next-hop)(Wildcard) R4(config)#access-list 2 permit...
Configure OSPF between R2 & R3 Verify Configure EIGRP between R2 & R3: Verify Configure RIP between R2 & R3: Verify Troubleshoot Introduction This document describes how to redistribute internal Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes into Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) process. ...
如下图所示,R1与R2之间使用静态路由(默认路由),R1与R3之间使用RIP,R1与R4之间使用EIGRP,R1与R5之间使用OSPF。 操作过程如下 一、基本配置 按网络拓扑图设置端口IP,确保相邻端口之间能够相互ping通。 配置略。 二、路由配置 为方便测试,在配置动态路由时,使用no auto-summary命令关闭自动汇总(OSPF默认是不汇总的,也...
Core router can run both OSPF (along with EdgeR1) and EIGRP (along with EdgeR2). Do not configure Route Redistribution between either protocol. This will allow it to install both routes in its routing table. It also has the added benefit of preventing advertising those routes back to the ...
Core router can run both OSPF (along with EdgeR1) and EIGRP (along with EdgeR2). Do not ...
firewall# show route longer-prefixes Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 ...
To restore the system to its default condition in which the software does not redistribute routes, use the no form of this command. redistribute {bgp id | direct | eigrp id | ospf id | static} route-map map-name Syntax Description bgp id direct eigrp id ospf id static route-map map-...