This is a Redis Plugin, you can use it to CRUD Redis. Show Keys by tree view. Supporting to access Redis by SSH, ssl, Sentinel. Support STRING, SET, HASH, ZSET, STREAM, LIST structure. Support Insert, Rename, Delete, TTL, Update / Delete Line Data. Suppo
如需有關此命令的詳細資訊,請執行 azure rediscache show -h 命令。Azure CLI 複製 C:\>azure rediscache show -h help: Show properties of an existing Azure Cache for Redis help: help: Usage: rediscache show [--name <name> --resource-group <resource-group>] help: help: Options: help: ...
az redis show 检索Azure Redis 缓存实例的详细信息。 az redis list-keys 检索Azure Redis 缓存实例的访问密钥。 az redis 删除 删除Azure Redis 缓存实例。 后续步骤 有关Azure CLI 的详细信息,请参阅 Azure CLI 文档。 有关通过群集创建高级 Azure Cache for Redis 的 Azure Cache for Redis...
redis=($(az redis show --name $cache --resource-group $resourceGroup --query [hostName,enableNonSslPort,port,sslPort] --output tsv)) # Retrieve the keys for an Azure Redis Cache instance keys=($(az redis list-keys --name $cache --resource-group $resourceGroup --query [primaryKe...
有关此命令的详细信息,请运行azure rediscache show -h命令。 Azure CLI C:\>azure rediscache show-hhelp: Show properties of an existing Azure Cache for Redis help: help: Usage: rediscache show [--name<name>--resource-group<resource-group>]help: help: Options: help:-h,--helpoutput usage ...
有关此命令的详细信息,请运行azure rediscache show -h命令。 Azure CLI C:\>azure rediscache show-hhelp: Show properties of an existing Azure Cache for Redis help: help: Usage: rediscache show [--name<name>--resource-group<resource-group>]help: help: Options: help:-h,--helpoutput usage ...
show--name"$cache"--resource-group$resourceGroup# Retrieve the hostname and ports for an Azure Redis Cache instanceredis=($(az redis show--name"$cache"--resource-group$resourceGroup--query[hostName,enableNonSslPort,port,sslPort]--outputtsv))# Retrieve the keys for an Azure Redis Cache ...
如需有關此命令的詳細資訊,請執行 azure rediscache show -h 命令。Azure CLI 複製 C:\>azure rediscache show -h help: Show properties of an existing Azure Cache for Redis help: help: Usage: rediscache show [--name <name> --resource-group <resource-group>] help: help: Options: help: ...
See all Azure Cache for Redis commands Create an Azure Cache for Redis Show 6 more The Azure classic CLI is a great way to manage your Azure infrastructure from any platform. This article shows how to create and manage your Azure Cache for Redis instances using the Azure classic CLI. ...
See all Azure Cache for Redis commands Create an Azure Cache for Redis Show 6 more The Azure classic CLI is a great way to manage your Azure infrastructure from any platform. This article shows how to create and manage your Azure Cache for Redis instances using the Azure classic CLI. ...