struct redisCommand { char *name; //命令名称 redisCommandProc *proc; //命令执行函数 int arity; //参数个数 char *sflags; //命令字符串形式的标志 int flags; //命令标志 //从参数列表中获取key,与firstkey、lastkey、keystep配合使用 redisGetKeysProc *getkeys_proc int firstkey; int lastkey; int...
管道超时--bigkeys Sample Redis keys lookingforbig keys.--hotkeys Sample Redis keys lookingforhot keys. only works when maxmemory-policy is *lfu.--scan List all keys using the SCAN command.获取服务器所有的键--pattern <pat> Useful with --scan to specify a SCAN pattern. 正则表达式 用于scan...
redis-cli del `redis-cli keys "key*"` 获得键值的数据类型type 返回值可能是这五种类型(string,hash,list,set,zset) 注意:redis不区分命令大小写 2.redis的help命令 "help @<group>" to get a list of commands in <group> "help <command>" for help on <command> "help <tab>" to get a list...
redis-cli --scan --pattern '*:12345*' (Note: when using --eval the comma separates KEYS[] from ARGV[] items) When no command is given, redis-cli starts in interactive mode. Type "help" in interactive mode for information on available commands and settings. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
Attach to a cluster with reds-cli -c -h redis-1 Issues command: "keys *" You will only receive the keys that are stored on the attached node. The command should probably query one host from each slot. If you have a single master with n slaves, it's probably fine. But if your cl...
执行以下命令就可以扫描 redis 实例中 bigkey 的分布情况,以 key 类型维度输出结果: $ redis-cli -h -p 6379 --bigkeys -i 0.01 [00.00%] Biggest string found so far ... [98.23%] Biggest string found so far --- summary --- Sampled 829675 keys in the keyspace! Total key ...
keys命令是作为dangerous命令的,所以我们新建的这个用户将不能使用keys命令 测试 现在用demo用户登录 [root@p-ktcstcpgl02 logs]# redis-cli -c -p 7379> auth demo HiRedis OK> keys a (error) NOPERM User demo has no permissions to run the 'keys' command > get a...
3)"user default on #eb1c66c230df28518559872a792755e1bd7558cb35d58ae9c52689b3dc9ef335 ~* &* +@all" 但是,当我们在另一个终端用这个 atu 用户获取一个 key 的值的时候失败了。显示如下:> get name(error)NOPERM this user has no permissions to access one of the keys used as...
默认情况下,Sentinel 使用TCP端口 26379 运行(请注意,6379 是普通的 Redis 端口)。Sentinel 接受使用 Redis 协议的命令,因此您可以使用redis-cli或任何其他未修改的 Redis 客户端来与 Sentinel 对话。并且可以直接查询 Sentinel 以从其角度检查受监控 Redis 实例的状态,查看它知道的其他 Sentinel,等等。
activeExpireCycle()handles eviction of keys with a time to live set via theEXPIREcommand. performEvictions()is called when a new write command should be performed but Redis is out of memory according to themaxmemorydirective. The global variableredisCommandTabledefines all the Redis commands, speci...