Springboot启动Redis报错 Could not resolve type id 'xxx' into a subtype of [simple type, class java.la... Scoor关注IP属地: 山西 0.0992021.11.03 09:26:15字数56阅读5,944 原因是因为Redis存入的对象类型为com.abc.d包下面的对象,读取时该包的对象已被移除,导致JAVA报错 解决方式: 通过remove删除redis...
Error message nested exception is org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.SerializationException: Could not read JSON: Could not resolve type id 'com.zerobase.dividends.model.ScrapedResult' as a subtype of java.lang.Object: no such cla...
org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.SerializationException: Could not read JSON: Could not resolve type id 'com.xxx.xxx.admin.biz.dao.mysql.entity.FakeUser' as a subtype of `java.lang.Object`: no such class found at [Source: (byte[])"["com.xxx.xxx.admin.biz.dao.mysql.entity.Fake...
selectById(id); } @Cacheable(value="allUser",key = "#root.target+#root.methodName") //root.target是目标类,这里是com.example.demo.Service,root.methodName是方法名,这里是selectAll public List<User> selectAll(){ return mapper.selectList(null); } } 注解说明如下: @CachePut:执行方法体再将...
2.Could not resolve type id 'com.es.xx.evralarm.EvrAlarm' into a subtype of [simple type, class java.lang.Object]: no such class found at [Source: [B@29a6e242; line: 1, column: 60] (through reference chain: java.util.ArrayList[0]) ...
io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsResolveContext 设置查询超时和 allowedQueries:io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsNameResolverBuilder 额外的测试代码 以下是模拟 Netty 发送 DNS 请求的代码,根据 Netty 的源码得来。 package io.netty.handler.codec.dns; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; ...
@lukastribus@Tristan971Please help resolve this issue. For some reason, Haproxy lua environment is not able recognize the redis module present (eventhough the file path is correct) Wrong place to ask (should be mailing list, Discourse, or Slack). Also don't ping random people. ...
org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.SerializationException: Could not read JSON: Could not resolve type id 'com.pa.market.common.util.UserInfoExt' into a subtype of [simple type, class java.lang.Object]: no such class found at [Source: [B@641a684c; line: 1, column: 11]; nested ...
Typically one would use DNS to resolve client connections to the Nginx server running Ledge, and tell Ledge where to fetch from with the upstream configuration. As such, Ledge isn't designed to work as a forwarding proxy.Redis is used for much more than cache storage. We rely heavily on ...
key =10d044f9-0e94-420b-9631-b83f5ca2ed3019:32:50WARN - /market/renewal/homePage/indexorg.springframework.data.redis.serializer.SerializationException: CouldnotreadJSON: Couldnotresolvetypeid'com.pa.market.common.util.UserInfoExt'into a subtypeof[simpletype,classjava.lang.Object]: no suchclas...