1. 理解错误原因 在开始解决"java.net.UnknownHostException: Failed to resolve after 2 queries"错误之前,我们首先需要了解这个错误的原因。这个错误通常是由于网络连接问题导致的,当我们尝试连接到一个无法解析的主机名时,就会出现这个错误。 2. 检查网络连接 在解决这个错误之前,我们需要确保我们的网络连接正常。可以...
2022-02-06T11:21:15.662Z,[redisson-netty-2-23],ERROR,org.redisson.connection.DNSMonitor,112,Unable to resolve redis, io.netty.resolver.dns.DnsResolveContext$SearchDomainUnknownHostException: Search domain query failed. Original hostname:...
Trying to run 3 redis servers(master-2 slaves) with 3 sentinels. When the master is down the sentinels are supposed to elect one of the slaves as master but instead, the sentinels complain that they are unable to resolve the hostname (Failed to resolve hostname) ...
针对你提到的 RedisException: DNS lookup resolve failed 异常,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解决: 理解错误信息: 这个错误信息表明在尝试通过域名连接Redis服务器时,DNS解析失败。这通常意味着系统无法将Redis服务器的域名转换为IP地址。 检查网络连接: 确保你的服务器可以访问DNS服务器。你可以使用 ping 命令...
RedisCache.Models Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceGraph Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceGraph.Models Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Version2019_06_01 Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Version2019_06_01.Models Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Version2019_06_01.Mode...
最近一直在研究 openResty, 使用过程中在用 lua 脚本连接 redis 的时候,使用了阿里云的云 redis,大家都知道的阿里云的云 redis,连接地址是一个域名,这个时候报错 failed to connect: no resolver defined to resolve,先去检查了一下 redis 的白名单,发现内网的 ecsIP 是在白名单的,然后使用 php 测试连接都是正常...
Gradle sync failed: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:Application:debugRuntimeClasspath’. 原因: 没有gradle包来对项目进行结构解析构建。 解决方案:自己下载一个gradle包,按照以下图片进行操作 gradle6.5的包大家可以移步至我的...Android...
I have got the below sample code (uses Java), which will be accessed from multiple threads. I have got the below queries, could you please help ? (1) Is the above class thread safe ? (2) Do I really n... How to adjust Scrollview content size using autolayouts ...
How to resolve 'Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.SORT temporary run storage' Exception how to retrieve and open a pdf stored as Varbinary How to return a value when sql query not return records how to run multiple procedure in different tabs at one time in sql server How to sav...
hyperf在并发量大的情况下会有概率出现redis或mysql的 DNS Lookup resolve failed 问题,redis和mysql都是阿里云的云服务,使用redis和rds的内网连接进行数据库连接,所以是需要内网域名解析的 相同时间点,传统fpm的框架应用没有这个错误,但hyperf会有这个错误提示: app.ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] DNS Lookup resolve...