调试代码显示,当运行到lpush方法时,抛出ClientClosedError: The client is closed 原因:npm install默认安装的Redis client for Node.js为V4.0.0版本,一些接口已经改变。 详见官方文档:v3 to v4 Migration Guide 解决方法: 1.回退到node-redis v3.1.2 npm uninstall --save redis npm install --save redis@3.1...
node使用redis时报错:Error: The client is closed 前言 最近安装redis后使用node运行时报了如下的错 我安装的redis版本是4.0,因为只是做一个测试demo,不想再去深究原因,网上试过一些方法后, 就选择了一个简单粗暴的方法,降低版本,把4.0卸载后改为安装2.8.0版本,然后成功运行 demo核心代码 有需要的朋友可以领取支付...
uris.add(RedisURI.builder().withSentinel("ip3", 26379).withSentinelMasterId("mymaster").withPassword("123456").build()); RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(); StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<String, String> connection = MasterReplica.connect(client, StringCodec.UTF8, uris); connection....
相似问题REDIS 显示the client is closed 错误 1011 0 2 php --ri swoole没有显示async redis client 1746 0 8 为啥按照教程添加connect-redis,添加redis处理session,运行后会报错, The client is closed 743 0 6 为什么我就打开一个页面,刷新的时候,提示关闭多个client? 640 0 5 阿里云 Could not...
Description Sometime the node.js application would throw out the error message - "ClientClosedError: The client is closed" even having explicit connect & disconnect for each call in the code. As redis is used frequenty in the program, th...
路由的时候 REDIS 显示 the client is closed 错误 npm start dev 不报错,后台的 redis 服务是开启的 但是浏览器中输入网址的时候,后台会报 the client is closed 错误 app.js ./db/redis 感光狗 2021-11-28 04:19:02 源自:7-8 从 session 到 redis ...
I'm having issues getting the adapter to work with multiple nodes. When ever I emit something, it prompts a "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: The client is closed" error, and looking into redis-cli > PSUBSCRIBE * I do not see cha...
It stopped working exactly when the 'Client closed connection' showed up in the log. Any idea why that might be happening? Update: It shut down again. This time I checked the memory and it was beyond 3.5 GB. Does that have anything to do with it?node...> auth 123456 (error) ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set 4、需要命令设置密码,命令如下:> config set requirepass 123456 OK 出现OK了,说明设置成功 5、再次登录,就可以登录成功 redis> AUTH 123456 OK...
Redis连接报错:ERR Client sent AUTH, but no password is set,Unable to connect to 原因: 产生这个问题的原因异常信息里已经说明,就是Redis服务器没有设置密码,但客户端向其发送了AUTH(authentication,身份验证)请求携带着密码,导致报错。