3. 初始化 Redis 连接,示例如下: func InitRedisConnector() error { redisClient = redis.NewUniversalClient(&redis.UniversalOptions{ Addrs: []string{redisAddress}, Password: redisPassword, DB: 0, }) if err := redisClient.Ping().Err(); err != nil { log.Println("redisClient.Ping() error...
首先对redis client的连接进行获取,这里也增加了重试的机制了;其次就是将我们执行的redis命令写入到redis网络连接buffer中并发出,在超时时间内,读出redis服务端的响应结果(当然也是从网络连接的buffer中读了);而后对错误进行处理并关闭连接,由此完成了一个简单的redis...
// Client is a Redis client representing a pool of zero or more// underlying connections. It's safe for concurrent use by multiple // goroutines. type Client struct { // 管理链接池 // 获取链接发送请求, 等待网络读网路 baseClient //封装具体命令,如get,set cmdable ctx context.Context } ...
alauda/go-redis-client 是在redis官方包上进行的二次封装。它适用于容器环境,能自动的从容器的环境变量、挂载的配置文件获取参数并创建redis-client实例。方便开发人员 使用 安装以及使用 1. 对于Go开发人员,你需要安装package go get github.com/alauda/go-redis-client 2. 创建redis-client 根据不同的安全需求...
func newRedisClient() *redis.Client { return redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: "localhost:6379", // redis服务器地址 Password: "", // 没有密码则留空 DB: 0, // 默认数据库 }) } 同时,在 docker 里起一个 redis 容器 设置用户登录状态 ...
or the network between you and azure is smooth or not blocked by the firewall? 👍1 levi-h-20230331 commented on Aug 6, 2023 levi-h-20230331 on Aug 6, 2023 same issue i have. I can connect to redislab using RedisInsight client with same redis address, password, port, username. ...
Redis client for Go go-redis is brought to you by ⭐ uptrace/uptrace. Uptrace is an open-source APM tool that supports distributed tracing, metrics, and logs. You can use it to monitor applications and set up automatic alerts to receive notifications via email, Slack, Telegram, and othe...
(&redis.Options{Addr:"localhost:6379",// Redis服务器地址Password:"",// 密码,如果没有密码则为空字符串DB:0,// 使用的数据库编号})// Ping测试连接pong,err:=client.Ping(context.Background()).Result()fmt.Println(pong,err)// 设置键值对err=client.Set(context.Background(),"key","value",0...
resp/client/client.go client:Redis客户端,具体看:https://www.cnblogs.com/Finley/p/14028402.html // Client is a pipeline mode redis clienttypeClientstruct{ conn net.Conn pendingReqschan*request// wait to sendwaitingReqschan*request// waiting responseticker *time.Ticker ...
client.go perf: better field alignment (#733) 13天前 client_test.go feat: add AZ to replica info (#721) 28天前 cluster.go perf: better field alignment (#733) 13天前 cluster_test.go test: improve flaky 5天前 cmds.go feat: rueidis.Incomplete represents an incomplete Redis command ...