client getname # 返回当前连接名称 client setname # 设置当前的连名称 client pause 10000 # 挂起当前客户端连接 10000 毫秒 client kill addr ip_port # 关闭指定端口的客户端连接,该 ip_port 必须是 client list 中列出的 client kill id client_id # 关闭指定 id 的客户端连接,该 client_id 必须是 cl...
uris.add(RedisURI.builder().withSentinel("ip3", 26379).withSentinelMasterId("mymaster").withPassword("123456").build()); RedisClient client = RedisClient.create(); StatefulRedisMasterReplicaConnection<String, String> connection = MasterReplica.connect(client, StringCodec.UTF8, uris); connection....
redis4.0的文件事件与客户端 简介 文件事件的流程大概如下: 在服务器初始化时生成aeEventLoop并赋值给server,接着创建监听TCP连接事件。 处理TCP连接时会创建client类型的对象,将其绑定在accept函数返回的文件描述符fd上,并对fd注册一个可读事件,当客户端数据来临
uint64_t id;/*Client incremental unique ID.*///服务器对于每一个链接进来的都会创建IDintfd;//当前客户端状态连接符,分为无网络链接的客户端和网络连接的客户端 无网络链接的客户端fd = -1 主要用于执行lua脚本redisDb *db;//当前client的数据库intdictid; ...
11:M 23 Jan 2023 06:20:24.145 - Reading from client: Connection reset by peer 11:M 23 Jan 2023 06:20:24.145 - Client closed connection id=10268 addr=?:0 laddr= fd=139 name= age=16 idle=1 flags=N db=0 sub=0 psub=0 ssub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=0 qbuf-free=20474 ar...
Description Sometime the node.js application would throw out the error message - "ClientClosedError: The client is closed" even having explicit connect & disconnect for each call in the code. As redis is used frequenty in the program, th...
CLIENT KILL [ip:port] [ID client-id] [TYPE normal|slave|pubsub] [ADDR ip:port] [SKIPME yes/no] Available since 2.4.0. Return Value Simple string reply: OK if the connection exists and has been closed Return Value Type String
It stopped working exactly when the 'Client closed connection' showed up in the log. Any idea why that might be happening? Update: It shut down again. This time I checked the memory and it was beyond 3.5 GB. Does that have anything to do with it?node...