Linux redirect the stdout to a file 1: int save_out = dup(fileno(stdout));//backup stdout 2: int out = open("cout.log", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_APPEND, 0600); 3: int nRet; 4: fflush(stdout); 5: dup2(out, fileno(stdout));// redirect stdout to out 8: printf("Hello world!")...
将多个stdoutsredirect到单个文件我有一个程序运行在多台机器上的NFS,我想把他们所有的输出logging到一个文件中。 我可以在每台机器上运行./my_program >> filename ,还是有一个并发问题,我应该知道吗? 由于我只是追加,我不认为会有问题,但我只是想确定。
COMMAND > /path/to/file.out 2> /path/to/error.out ():合并多个程序的STDOUT ( cal 2007 ; cal 2008 ) > all.txt 定向输入 "<" 使用<来重定向标准输入 比如说,我们执行一些命令的时候需要添加一些参数,但是参数太多,不能一条条去写太浪费时间,这时,我们把这些参数写到一个文本当中,用到定向输入"<"...
The Unix / Linux standard I/O streams with numbers: Redirecting the standard error stream to a file The following will redirect program error message to a file called error.log: $ program-name 2> error.log $ command1 2> error.log Redirecting the standard error (stderr) and stdout to fil...
2>>filename # Redirect and append stderr to file "filename." &>filename # Redirect both stdout and stderr to file "filename." # This operator is now functional, as of Bash 4, final release. M>N # "M" is a file descriptor, which defaults to 1, if not explicitly set. # "N"...
1>filename #Redirectstdout to file "filename." 1>>filename #Redirectand append stdout to file "filename." 2>filename #Redirectstderr to file "filename." 2>>filename #Redirectand append stderr to file "filename." &>filename # Re ...
首先command > file 2>file的意思是将命令所产生的标准输出信息,和错误的输出信息送到file 中。command > file 2>file这样的写法,stdout和stderr都直接送到file中, file会被打开两次,这样stdout和stderr会互相覆盖,这样写相当使用了FD1和FD2两个同时去抢占file 的管道。
3回答 超时后终止尾命令 、 我使用tail -f file_name在一个文件中捕获stdout (log),用grep和sed保存一个特定的字符串(退出尾部):这很好,但我希望终止该命令,以防它在日志文件中找不到模式(INFO)。在超时(60秒)之后,我希望这样的东西(不起 浏览12提问于2017-04-07得票数 1 ...
There are multiple ways to redirect output from shell scripts and commands. 1. Redirect STDOUT For the following examples, I will use this simple set of files: $ls-lafile* -rw-r--r--.1admin2 admin27Mar2715:34 file1.txt -rw-r--r--.1admin2 admin210Mar2715:34 file2.txt ...
Data is entered into the computer via stdin (usually the keyboard), and the resulting output goes to stdout (usually the shell). These pathways are called st...