As the title says Im trying to redirect stdout, to test I have the following program: #include<windows.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<io.h>#include<fcntl.h>#defineBUFFER_SIZE 4096intmain(intargc,char* argv[]){intfdStdOutPipe[2];intfdStdOut;printf("Console Print...\n");// Startfflush(...
在我的应用程序中,我想将通常会转到 stdout 流的输出重定向到我定义的函数。我读到您 可以 将stdio 重定向到文件,那么为什么不重定向到函数呢? 例如: void MyHandler( const char* data ); //<<Magical redirection code>> printf( "test" ); std::cout << "test" << std::endl; //MyHandler should...
I then redirectstdinto this file: ./a.out < input.txt The program works but its output is a bit messed up: Enter a: Enter b: a + b =30 Is there a way to redirect stdin to stdout so the output appears as if a user typed the values manually, ie: Enter a:10Enter b:20a + b...
#include <stdio.h>intmain(){/* redirect standard output to a file */if(freopen("D:\\OUTPUT.txt","w", stdout)==NULL)//冲定向一个标准输出流,写入文件fprintf(stderr,"error redirecting stdout\n");/* this output will go to a file */printf("This will go into a file.");//流已经...
#include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *file = fopen("error.log", "w"); if (file == NULL) { perror("Failed to open file"); return 1; } // 将stderr重定向到文件 if (freopen("error.log", "w", stderr) == NULL) { perror("Failed to redirect stderr"); return 1; } //...
那个redirect命令貌似是asp命令。不过关于重定向输出,还是要在命令提示符中运行。 C语言默认输出到stdout,输入默认取自stdin,可以通过“重定向”修改默认的输入、输出目的。实际执行时,cmd一般把stdin,stdout 连接到 con,即控制台。比如 puts(hello);和 fputs( stdout, hello)是一样的效果。 是指输入/输出流...
("QUERY_STRING");/* Extract the two arguments */printf("【serve_dynamic-Fork】进程%s打开成功!\t环境变量取出尝试:%s\r\n\r\n",filename,buff);Dup2(fd,STDOUT_FILENO);/* Redirect stdout to client */// line:netp:servedynamic:dup2Execve(filename,emptylist,environ);/* Run CGI program *...
把原本输出到屏幕的内容输出到文件,称为输出重定向。例如,先在当前路径下生成"i.txt"文件,并在其中存入”abcd“,在”CMD“窗口中,输入”redirect <i.txt“回车,程序将不再要求键盘输入,而直接输出”the input was abcd“。如在”CMD“窗口中,输入”redirect test.txt“,程序将生成文件”test...
std::stringstrTmpCmd = m_strCmd +"2>&1";//重定向stderr至stdoutif((m_hChildProcess = rgpopen(strTmpCmd.c_str(),"r")) ==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"rgpopen error\n");return-1; }while(m_bAbort ==false) {if(fgets(line,1024, m_hChildProcess) ==NULL)break;if(pFunc) pFunc(li...
clearerr(stdout); fsetpos(stdout, &pos); /* for C9X */ printf("stdout again\n"); } You can compile it with gcc. If you save it in a file with .cpp as extenstion name and compile the cpp file with g++, you need to include unistd.h. Add the following additional line....