发生错误的原因是fput和put都在RTS中的同一个文件中定义。 如果你替换了我们对fputs的定义,你也必须替换put的定义。这是我们提供的一个,您可以简单地将其添加到定义fput的文件中。 intputs(constchar*_ptr) {intcount =fputs(_ptr, stdout); count+= fputs("\n", stdout);returncount; }intfputs(constchar...
error #10056: symbol "iox_output" redefined: first defined in "../lib/Release/driver.lib<ioexpander.obj>"; redefined in "../lib/Debug/driver.lib<ioexpander.obj>" error #10056: symbol "iox_input" redefined: first defined in "../lib/Release/driver.lib<io...
被调用的函数不在你的项目目录中,只要把这个文件添加到目录即可。 Error:#10056 symbol "_ADCINT_ISR" redefined: first defined in "./source/DSP2833x_DefaultIsr.obj"; redefined in "./source/DSP2833x_SWPrioritizedDefaultIsr.obj" 这是多个文件夹重复了,都被加入了工程。观察problem窗口,寻找重复的文件删...
在CCS编译环境下,想使用printf函数,现在需要替换底层的 putchar函数,可以是编译器提示我:Type #10056 symbol "putchar" redefined: first defined 的错误警报。 请问专家,这件事有办法向IAR中在编译器里面更改设置就可以编译通过,去除这个错误吗? putchar是一个宏。如果...
error: symbol "_eQEP" redefined: first defined in "./Epwm.obj"; redefined in "./EQep.obj" jie, 这里显示ePWM的重复定义,应该是EQep中引用的f2803xqep.h会引用到f2803xpwm.h,导致重复定义。 你的头文件是自己定义的还是TI例程? 建议你下载controlSUITE软件,用CCS5导入例程,在例程基础上修改。
刚接触CCS, 在编译时出现104errors,error #10056:symbol"_ADCINT2_ISR"redefined:firstdefined tan95242018-09-12 11:16:13 关于USB_HOST_KEYBOARD问题 ;redefined:firstdefinedin "./main.obj";redefinedin "./lcd.obj"error:symbol 南京恒基诚信2019-07-05 08:06:20 ...
If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this question. #10056 symbol "xUARTReadQueue1" redefined: first defined in ...
新手求助::#10056 symbol "swi0" redefined: first defined in "C:\workspace_v5_4\hellobios\Debug\configPkg\package\cfg\hello_pe66.oe66"; redefined in "./hello.obj" 9099 扫一扫,分享给好友 复制链接分享 链接复制成功,分享给好友问答对人有帮助,内容完整,我也想知道答案 0 用图形界面方式去添加...
The meaning of REDEFINE is to define (something, such as a concept) again : reformulate. How to use redefine in a sentence.
while dining at Hotel Madero is an experience in itself. The award-winning Red Resto & Lounge, for instance, serves innovative dishes that fuse local flavours with international cuisine, complemented by an extensive selection of fine Argentine wines. The White Bar’s exclusive terrace, on the oth...