发生错误的原因是fput和put都在RTS中的同一个文件中定义。 如果你替换了我们对fputs的定义,你也必须替换put的定义。这是我们提供的一个,您可以简单地将其添加到定义fput的文件中。 intputs(constchar*_ptr) {intcount =fputs(_ptr, stdout); count+= fputs("\n", stdout);returncount; }intfputs(constchar...
在CCS编译环境下,想使用printf函数,现在需要替换底层的 putchar函数,可以是编译器提示我:Type #10056 symbol "putchar" redefined: first defined 的错误警报。 请问专家,这件事有办法向IAR中在编译器里面更改设置就可以编译通过,去除这个错误吗? putchar是一个宏。如果...
If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this question. #10056 symbol "xUARTReadQueue1" redefined: first defined in ...
first case, main.c won't be able to access any of the two (even if you tell that they are there), while when including the two, main.c will be able to access the shared one. This is an important difference when...
新手求助::#10056 symbol "swi0" redefined: first defined in "C:\workspace_v5_4\hellobios\Debug\configPkg\package\cfg\hello_pe66.oe66"; redefined in "./hello.obj" 9099 扫一扫,分享给好友 复制链接分享 链接复制成功,分享给好友问答对人有帮助,内容完整,我也想知道答案 0 用图形界面方式去添加...
symbol "_ADCINT1_ISR" redefined: first defined in” 这个问题大概是头文件包含太多了,用到什么就放什么头文件,把不用的头文件去掉就可以了,不要放多余的头文件。 #10247-D creating output section ".capChaACrSpace" without a SECTIONS 出现这个错误后,程序能顺利生成.out文件,但是不能正常运行。出现问题原...
>> Compilation failure error #10056: symbol "nanosecond" redefined: first defined in "./sd_card.obj"; redefined in "./GPS.obj" error #10056: symbol "sow" redefined