uBlock Origin 1.50.0: since: 27d.9h.6m Firefox Mobile: 113 filterset (summary): network: 127068 cosmetic: 196662 scriptlet: 27009 html: 1171 listset (total-discarded, last-updated): added: https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-clean-filters/-/raw/main/bpc-paywall-filter.txt: ...
“UBlock Origin is considered the one to have right now because it blocks more. AdBlock has a whitelist that lets some sites pay to bypass.”– u/ZeikCallaway See thread on Reddit → You may not know… UBlock Origin has the added benefit of limiting CPU usage, so your device doesn't ...
uBlock originfor blocking most ads and pop-ups. uBlock-safariport for Safari or MacOS users. uBlock origin extra- companion extension for websites that block ad-block extensions (even with Anti-Adblock Killer enabled in uBlock origin).