IT之家1 月 4 日消息,据 Reddit 及 Hacker News 论坛,一款广告拦截插件 Pie Adblock 被开发者们指控侵犯了另一款老牌开源广告拦截插件 uBlock Origin 的版权,主要涉及复制粘贴代码及广告过滤列表,严重违反了 GPLv3 授权协议。 据介绍,uBlock Origin 是一款老牌广告拦截工具,采用 GPLv3 授权协议,其过滤列表和代码均...
Sc : void 0 : kc; void 0 !== o && o({ url: t || Oc, eventsBuffer: e, microapp: ar(), options: n }) }; # ||$xhr,1p,method...
For support/questions/help, there is /r/uBlockOrigin on Reddit. Philosophy uBlock Origin (or uBlock₀) is not an ad blocker; it's a general-purpose blocker. uBlock Origin blocks ads through its support of the Adblock Plus filter syntax. uBlock Origin extends the syntax and is designed to...
I don't care about cookies for Firefox removes annoying cookie warnings from almost all websites and saves you thousands of unnecessary clicks. uBlock Origin (Firefox) uBlock Origin is an efficient and powerful ad blocker with low memory and CPU usage, it is fully compatible with filter lists ...
There's a subreddit: higeebox 提出問題者 2020/10/12 凌晨4:51 I identified UBlock Origin as the problem because all of a sudden all kinds of reputable sites that I use regularly were being blocked so I'd go into UBlock and unblock them and the...
A trick I learned to block distractions using uBlock Origin As everyone I am constantly distracted on the Internet. Distractions are a pain. I do useSelfControl, a nice app for Mac to block websites that I know are a source of distractions. Like Reddit and news sites. It’s common for...
(Reddit) Last edited: Aug 15, 2024 nicolaasjan, Aug 15, 2024 #8 EASTER Registered Member Joined: Jul 28, 2007 Posts: 11,508 Location: U.S.A. (South) stapp said: ↑ Google is killing uBlock Origin in Chrome, but this trick lets you keep it for another year. https://...
You can circumvent Twitch ads altogether with a VPN. You don’t even need to use uBlock Origin on Twitch if you go this route. You just need to set your VPN to a country where Twitch does not currently run any ads. In our tests, we’ve set our VPN location toHungaryand we haven’...
Social media sleuthspostingto Reddit claimed Pie Adblock had incorporated code and files from uBlock Origin including the latter's Quick Fixes filter list without the necessary acknowledgements and other requirements. And indeed whenThe Registerchecked the extension's files using theChrome Extension Sourc...
Edit:a lot people are asking about uBlock Origin not working in the future on Chrome. If you'd like more information on this,here is an article from ghacks from january, and astatement from gorhill, developer of uBlock.** There has been discussion of this onRedditGithubandHacker News. ...