You have to state if you are on PC or Console because both games have difference, this being one of them, on PC trading is extremelly limited, on consoles you can even send them via mail afaik. Kizer has got to be up there as one of if not the most botched prospect of all time....
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2.62 oculusquest 2.61 newtubers 2.58 fivenightsatfreddys 2.56 fortnite 2.55 globaloffensive 2.55 xbox 2.55 monitors 2.54 ps3 2.51 sonicthehedgehog 2.50 2balkan4you 2.49 tf2 2.49 maybemaybemaybe 2.48 paladins 2.46 hollowknight 2.46 googlepixel 2.44 overwatch 2.41 seaofthieves...
3.29 oculusquest 3.28 dragonballlegends 3.26 codcompetitive 3.24 myteam 3.17 halo 3.12 bisexual 3.10 tf2shitposterclub 3.06 warhammer 3.06 gunpla 3.05 minecraft 3.03 perfectlycutscreams 3.01 dogelore 2.99 rule34 2.99 playboicarti 2.98 ksi 2.96 exchristian 2.96 blender 2.85 valo...
0.53 boardgames 0.53 dogs 0.53 actrade 0.53 valheim 0.53 ukpersonalfinance 0.52 funny 0.52 mlbtheshow 0.52 rimworld 0.52 jordanpeterson 0.52 dndnext 0.51 bad_cop_no_donut 0.51 interestingasfuck 0.51 curvy 0.51 loseit 0.51 rant 0.51 oculus 0.50 lowsodiumcyberpunk 0.50 na...
0.34 oculusquest 0.34 leagueoflegends 0.34 naughtywives 0.34 pathofexile 0.34 deadbydaylight 0.34 askuk 0.34 cursedcomments 0.34 hololive 0.33 squaredcircle 0.33 badwomensanatomy 0.33 blursedimages 0.33 modernwarfare 0.32 gonewild30plus 0.31 boxing 0.31 firearms 0.31 insaneparents ...
0.36 oculusquest 0.36 askuk 0.36 ffxiv 0.36 arethestraightsok 0.36 squaredcircle 0.36 xqcow 0.35 imaginarymaps 0.35 fountainpens 0.35 moviesuggestions 0.35 gme 0.35 adhd 0.35 stardustcrusaders 0.35 wallstreetbetselite 0.35 socialskills 0.35 dmacademy 0.35 anime 0.35 guildwars2...
2.39 oculus 2.37 completeanarchy 2.37 tnomod 2.36 shingekinokyojin 2.34 askaliberal 2.34 battlestations 2.33 factorio 2.32 fakecartridges 2.32 bi_irl 2.31 arknights 2.31 oculusquest 2.31 tressless 2.31 mvis 2.30 nsfw 2.29 bindingofisaac 2.29 hololive 2.29 halflife 2.29 sims4...
1.70 oculusquest 1.69 prequelmemes 1.68 cricket 1.68 unexpected 1.68 whatcarshouldibuy 1.68 smashbrosultimate 1.67 askouija 1.66 realmadrid 1.66 shingekinokyojin 1.66 afkarena 1.66 forza 1.66 chess 1.64 stadia 1.64 valorantcompetitive 1.64 hmmm 1.64 needafriend 1.63 saltierthan...
0.55 oculusquest 0.55 pathofexile 0.55 sneakers 0.53 destinythegame 0.53 dmacademy 0.51 fallout 0.51 thesilphroad 0.51 selfie 0.51 newzealand 0.51 justiceserved 0.51 wallstreetbetsogs 0.50 fightporn 0.49 maliciouscompliance 0.48 dc_cinematic 0.48 ethtrader 0.48 meme 0.47 parentin...