Reddit用户kris33发现了Oculus Quest固件更新的URL。URL通常会由Quest自动下载,您可以使用Windows PC手动刷新。为了能够将固件刷新,您需要启用开发人员模式,要启用开发人员模式,您必须注册开发者账号。在您的PC上转到dashboard.oculus.com并创建一个“organization”。系统会要求您接受开发者协议。 然后在智能手机或平板电脑...
Reddit用户kris33发现了Oculus Quest固件更新的URL。URL通常会由Quest自动下载,您可以使用Windows PC手动刷新。为了能够将固件刷新,您需要启用开发人员模式,要启用开发人员模式,您必须注册开发者账号。在您的PC上转到dashboard.oculus.com并创建一个“organization”。系统会要求您接受开发者协议。 然后在智能手机或平板电脑...
Reddit用户kris33发现了Oculus Quest固件更新的URL。URL通常会由Quest自动下载,您可以使用Windows PC手动刷新。为了能够将固件刷新,您需要启用开发人员模式,要启用开发人员模式,您必须注册开发者账号。在您的PC上转到dashboard.oculus.com并创建一个“organization”。系统会要求您接受开发者协议。 然后在智能手机或平板电脑...
Reddit LinkedIn Pocket Like this:LikeLoading... UPDATED! Facebook Launches Horizon Workrooms, a Remote Workteams VR App for the Oculus Quest 2 Yesterday, Facebook announced their entry into what I collectively term theYARTVRA(YetAnotherRemoteTeamworkVirtualRealityApp)marketplace, a product called Ho...
Oculus Quest链接电脑没提示,无法使用电脑打开设备 解决方案: 下载adb 运行adb shell svc usb setFunctions mtp 引用: Missing USB connection dialogue enable switch (HELP!) : r/OculusQuest2 (
Problem description: When playing 8k 360 video inside the quest, there are noticable glitches and artifacts within the video stream. The glitches also occur with 5K video but not as much. Device (which devices are you having the issue wi...
Should help ppl with Quest Link to set that up as device for OTT to switch to. Share this content Twitter Facebook Reddit WhatsApp Email Print AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition 20.2.1 driver download GeForce 442.37 hotfix driver download
重新下载了Oculus Link,哼哧半天(我是想不明白Facebook做得东西怎么这么垃圾,很脆弱)是看到有提示可以升级了,但就是下载不动,遂放弃。 找到了比较好的办法,看原版的链接在这:油管视频版 Reddit文字版 看不懂的看下面: Windows系统下: 首先你得在手机的Oculus APP上配对设备后在设置里开发者模式中打开开发者模式...
As I said earlier there are multiple ways of live streaming on the Quest and Quest 2. This is just one method we found particularly useful, especially for those new to the live streaming scene. Feature Image Credit: Share Tweet Reddit ...