Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981) Calling one of the most popular movies of all time "perfectly paced" isn't really a controversial opinion, but it's still one that remains true today.Raiders of the Lost Ark,which first introduced audiences to the iconic character of Indiana Jones, was one ...
taemin: Playing Lost Ark was the best thing I ever did, because that got me fired and I ...
8月11日消息,據官方消息,NEAR生態系統的DeFi聚合器NearPad宣布完成200萬美元的種子輪融資,NGC、NEAR Foundation、LD Capital、OWC、Ellipti、Flow Ventures、SuperNova Fund、ExNetwork、Genblock Capital 、Arkn等參投。 據悉,NearPad集代幣發行平台、DEX聚合器、收益聚合器於一體,致力於改變社區和開發者使用開放金融工...
A Reddit chatbot built with TensorFlow's seq2seq models and comments from Nov. 2017. - RedditChatBot/test.from at master · jsisaacs/RedditChatBot
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Tags:ARK 2,News,Oxygen Not Included,Reddit,Slay the Spire Slow-Burn Sep 3 Posted byAzuriel There is a slow-burning dumpster fire in the Guild Wars 2 subreddit, and it seems to have been set by ArenaNet. For those just coming onto the crime scene, the stage is set thus: GW2 appear...
近日在Reddit上有玩家向CDPR官方提问,询问在PS4上预购《赛博朋克2077》是否能获得道具、武器之类的预购特典。CDPR则表示《赛博朋克2077》不存在任何道具类预购特典。所有玩家都能享受到同样的游戏内容,不管是预购还是首发购入,亦或2年后购买,内容都一样。 ...
rafark said: It’s not like the mods own the site. What I mean is that it’s likely the administrators will open these subreddits again if the current mods don’t do it after a while. That’s a good way to piss off and lose the *users* of those subreddits...
The way Redditors see it, movies like They Live, Raising Arizona, and Die Hard have the best one-on-one fight scenes of two characters duking it out.
21 220221 Jae Twitch直播 - Park Parker | No Pixel + Lost Ark [3] 5:41:11 220221 Jae Twitch直播 - Valo Grinding 1 36:00 220221 Jae Twitch直播 - Valo Grinding 2 1:12:13 220730 Twitch直播 - welcome to the opacademy peepoTalk 4:45:53 220716 Twitch直播 - ACTUALLY STREAMING EVERYDAY...