As well all now the Lost Ark game is a very heavy and demanding game. Cannot connect to the server error in the game Lost Ark can happen if the hardware in your PC is not that powerful and capable of running the game smoothly. So, make sure your PC meets the minimum system requiremen...
Lost Ark May 2023 Update Patch Notes Brings Event Guardians Back Where Does the Breaker Class Fit in the Lost Ark Story? Image Source: Smilegate via The Nerd Stash The Breaker Advanced Class has always been there in the eyes of the developers. In fact, the Breaker is a champion of the ...
On Apr.1, Lost Arkposted an updateon the top issues. The updates were regarding their roadmap, honing difficulty, bots and fraud, etc. Below is their full announcement. Heroes of Arkesia, After the changes introduced on March 24, we’re back with an update to top issues we’ve seen w...
Having checked with a friend who was at the same time sitting in a 7K queue on the server, I decided to ask others on the Lost Ark reddit about their experiences, and received some great information from ekdud, who was familiar with the system from the other game versions: Apparently ...
Lost Ark isone of the leading MMORPGson the gaming zeitgeist right now, and the developers have sought to give fans tons of content in the near future. Some of this new content may include a Lost Ark battle pass, which was potentially leaked in arecent developer videoreleased earlier today...
Lost Ark is the best free-to-play game to launch in the last 10 years, and I cannot wait to dive in at full release.
There will always be some gulfs between the Korean version and western version ofLost Arkno matter how much Amazon Games wants that to not be true, which is precisely the case for the OARPG’s upcoming Soul Harvest update, as Amazonhas confirmedthat whileother conten...
The ‘Destined For Destruction’ update for fantasy action RPG Lost Ark arrived last week but introduced a bug that makes the cursor stick to parts of the UI.
Lost Ark: On Mar. 9, Lost Ark posted plans regarding the updates coming in March. In March, several things will be updated including a new episode, Abyss Raid Argos, Arkesia Grand Prix, etc. Heroes of Arkesia,
3) CheckLost Ark’scommunity pages Whenever the servers go down, community members often respond the fastest. Players who cannot log into the MMO game quickly head tocommunity hubs like Redditor even alternative sources So, it’s a good idea to check new Reddit posts fo...