ARK is my 4th most-played game on Steam. And all that time was spent in single-player, almost entirely on the original map. The bones were good; it’s the flesh that needs work.
REDDIT 灵魂拷问环节:酒本海旗男 – 首席技术官,佐佐木英树 – 技术美工总监,吉池博明 – 总关卡设计师 我们《死亡搁浅》Reddit灵魂拷问正在如火如荼地进行,所以我们决定更进一步,邀请3位小岛工作室的成员来参加我们第三次灵魂拷问。 这一次,让我们欢迎小岛工作室的首席技术官 – 酒本海旗男,技术美工主管 – 佐...
10月30日,我们在粉丝运营的《死亡搁浅》 Reddit 话题版面上请来了 Tommie Earl Jenkins(也就是 Die-Hardman ),来参加我们最新的社区灵魂拷问环节!之前收到大家对灵魂拷问的反馈是非常积极的,因此我们决定为热情的粉丝们再举办一次类似活动。Tommie的加入令此次活动蓬荜生辉,他从繁忙的日程中抽出了宝贵的时间来与我们...
Maybe marked was missed. Thank you for kind response. It was for my new game Death Stranding, we needed to get 'human interactions data' it was mostly just a collective of threads that were in full context thay had a lot of animosity. It helped the team steer th...