Death Stranding ByDeathscytheX,June 14, 2016inVideo Games Reply to this topic Start new topic DeathscytheX THE DEAN OF MEAN Administrators 9,732 12,157 posts Report post PostedJune 14, 2016 GET A NEW FUNK ON BEFORE YOU GET DUMPED ON!
10月30日,我们在粉丝运营的《死亡搁浅》 Reddit 话题版面上请来了 Tommie Earl Jenkins(也就是 Die-Hardman ),来参加我们最新的社区灵魂拷问环节!之前收到大家对灵魂拷问的反馈是非常积极的,因此我们决定为热情的粉丝们再举办一次类似活动。Tommie的加入令此次活动蓬荜生辉,他从繁忙的日程中抽出了宝贵的时间来与我们...
REDDIT 灵魂拷问环节:酒本海旗男 – 首席技术官,佐佐木英树 – 技术美工总监,吉池博明 – 总关卡设计师 我们《死亡搁浅》Reddit灵魂拷问正在如火如荼地进行,所以我们决定更进一步,邀请3位小岛工作室的成员来参加我们第三次灵魂拷问。 这一次,让我们欢迎小岛工作室的首席技术官 – 酒本海旗男,技术美工主管 – 佐...
Tomorrow is out of your hands? - It's no secret that Death Stranding is currently in the hands of gaming media, YouTubers, and more ahead of the game's impen...
The legendary creator is finally starting to experience burnout from his never-ending creative endeavors and projects. The dreaded “crunch” phase of Death Stranding 2: On the Beach production has now begun, and Kojima is finding the experience “incredibly tough.”Death Stranding 2: On the ...
Death Stranding is the first project Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions have worked on since parting ways with Konami in 2015, and Hideo Kojima’s first non-Metal Gear game in many years.Death Stranding features starring roles from a number of well-known actors, including Norman Reedus, Mads ...
Reddit seems to be pulling out a lot of interesting theories about the clues within the trailer. The dead whales and fish indicates the cetacean stranding (which is probably where Kojima likely got his title from). The baby was probably not even a baby at the time they were washed ashore...
It could be Higgs, although his choice between death or exile at the ending in Death Stranding is never shown. Or, as a prevalent theory that is currently circling the internet, it’s some sort of Higgs-Amelie hybrid. Take a look at the guitar strumming entity towards the trailer’s ...
Reviews for Kojimas Productions’ ‘Death Stranding’ PS4 game, released on November 8th, have been extremely divided and if we’re honest, not really rightly
For more information on Death Stranding, refer to our guides coveringEnding,Game Length,Trophies,Vehicles,Fast Travel,Chiral Crystals, andCostumes.