在17世纪,red rag是tongue的俚语,wave a red rag at someone是“和人聊天”的意思。 长期以来,向动物(不仅仅是牛)挥舞红布来分散它们注意力进而激怒它们可能是一种常见的做法。人们现在也用在日常生活中。 - Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a...
The meaning of A RED RAG TO A BULL is —used of something that makes a person very angry. How to use a red rag to a bull in a sentence.
摘要:英语短语 ‘like a red rag to a bull‘ 用来表示挑衅和刺激,故意让某人狂怒。英语里还有另一个短语 ‘to see red‘. 它的意思是令人感到气愤。 Mexican matadora Hilda Tenorio in action during a bullfight at the Plaza Mexico. Photo by Yuri Cortez. 今日短语 英语短语 'like a red rag to a ...
英语短语 'like a red rag to abull1' 用来表示挑衅和刺激,故意让某人狂怒。 例句 For my quiet grandfather his teenage neighbour's rock'n'roll-themed party was like a red rag to a bull. Don't talk to my dad about the smoking ban. It's like a red rag to a bull. 请注意 英语里还有...
be like a red rag to a bull To be a willfully infuriating or aggravating provocation; to be something that incites great anger or annoyance. An allusion to matadors' practice of waving red rags at a bull during a bullfight, though in fact the color of the rag makes no difference to the...
a rag doll布娃娃 a bull session漫谈,聊天,吹牛 strong as a bull力大如牛 相似单词 μAmicroampere微安(培) aart. 1.(非特指的)一(个) 2.(同类事物中)任何一个 3.每一(个) 4.某一种 5.(用于某些物质名词前)一种 6.(=the same)同一(个) 7.(与否定词连用, ...
摘要:英语短语 like a red rag to a bull 用来描述某人或事情的举动或言语让他人抓狂、愤怒。 The word 'corrida' originated from the Spanish language and is used to refer to 'bullfighting 斗牛' 今日小常识 Bullfighting has always been very popular in Spanish-speaking countries. But now, territories...
like a red rag to a bull 使人愤怒的, 令人极端烦恼的相关短语 bilabial (人) 唇高 hyperorthognathous (人) 超平颌型 hypereuryene (人) 超宽上面型 hyperprognathous (人) 超突颌型 hyperbrachycephalic (人) 超圆头型 hyperbrachycranial (人) 超圆颅型 hyperleptorrhine (人) 超狭鼻型 hypermakr...
British EnglishBrE(alsolike waving a red flag in front of a bullAmerican EnglishAmE)ANGRYUPSETvery likely to make someone angry or upset容易使人愤怒;容易使人苦恼 Just mentioning his ex-wife’s name was like a red rag to a bull.