1 27 pts McLaren Oscar Piastri Lando Norris 2 27 pts Mercedes George Russell Andrea Kimi Antonelli 3 18 pts Red Bull Racing Max Verstappen Liam Lawson 4 10 pts Williams Alexander Albon Carlos Sainz 5 8 pts Aston Martin Lance Stroll
随着F1中国大奖赛的圆满收官,相信在奥地利Red Bull的鼎力支持下,这些杰出的车手和运动员们将不断超越自我、创造辉煌,为我们呈现更多精彩绝伦的赛事瞬间。奥地利Red Bull将继续为F1运动「添翼」,让我们共同期待奥地利Red Bull车队再创佳绩,再续巅峰传奇!探索更多奥地利Red Bull品牌及车队精彩活动内容,请关注奥地利Red Bull...
Get closer to the Team Sign up By signing up, I agree to receive personalised information from Oracle Red Bull Racing, about special offers, team updates, merchandise, events, and activations. *I want to hear from Oracle Red Bull Racing about occasionalthird-party partnersoffers.I want to hea...
Red Bull Racing 1/6 In profile Red Bull were no strangers to F1 - as sponsors - prior to formally entering as a works team in 2004. Nonetheless, the scale of their success over the following decade was staggering. After a first podium in 2006, the team hit their stride in 2009, claim...
F1各车队现任领队上任年份: 红牛 - 2005 小红牛 - 2006 梅奔 - 2013 哈斯 - 2014 阿尔法罗密欧 - 2017 迈凯伦 - 2019 威廉姆斯 - 2021 Alpine - 2022 阿斯顿马丁 - 2022 #redbullracing# #f1#
奥地利Red Bull签约运动员谷爱凌、Daniel Dhers及Kyoka现身赛场,观赛助力 导语:2024年F1世界一级方程式锦标赛中国大奖赛时隔五年强势回归,奥地利Red Bull车队车手麦克斯·维斯塔潘(Max Verstappen)再次展示强大的赛场统治力,夺得中国大奖赛分站冠军。奥地利Red Bull全擎助力睽违已久的F1中国大奖赛,陪伴车手再登巅峰。奥地利...
奥地利Red Bull签约运动员谷爱凌、Daniel Dhers及Kyoka现身赛场,观赛助力 导语:2024年F1世界一级方程式锦标赛中国大奖赛时隔五年强势回归,奥地利Red Bull车队车手麦克斯·维斯塔潘(Max Verstappen)再次展示强大的赛场统治力,夺得中国大奖赛分站冠军。奥地利Red Bull全擎助力睽违已久的F1中国大奖赛,陪伴车手再登巅峰...
Get closer to the Team Sign up By signing up, I agree to receive personalised information from Oracle Red Bull Racing, about special offers, team updates, merchandise, events, and activations. *I want to hear from Oracle Red Bull Racing about occasionalthird-party partnersoffers.I want to hea...