Come 2014, Red Bull had seen the potential in his pace and consistency, but few expected to witness the driver that showed up that year. Suddenly, the nice guy was pulling off dummy overtakes, late lunges, and enthralling racecraft. It caught everyone by surprise...
Red Bull Content Pool F1 News Simracing Verstappen causes disbelief: 'Destroys the entire field' 16 August at 18:00 Nicole Mulder When Max Verstappen is not busy with Formula 1, he spends a lot of time in the simulator. On behalf of Team Redline, he takes part in many sim races. ...
罗伯特库比卡肯定会在1上让他的F2019赛车回归,多家权威媒体人士现在正在确认。 而威廉姆斯预计将在周四早上正式宣布这一消息,现年33岁 Pole恢复他有前途的F1赛车生涯的七年等待显然已经结束。 “我们的记者了解到,该团队的赞助商将是(波兰石油公司)PKN Orlen,他们已拨出10百万欧元,”波兰电台RMF FM表示。 报告补充...