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Audacity, high-performance, and avant-garde. These are the words that best sum up TAG Heuer and Red Bull Racing team’s pursuit of excellence through their long-term partnership. A shared passion for inspiring feats, and a sight on victory.
Red Bull Racing Road Trips See the world with Formula One drivers 3 Seasons · 13 episodes F1 In the Wings Liam Lawson's journey to the F1 grid F1 Open the Doors Scuderia AlphaTauri's debut at the Red Bull Ring F1 Worldies Incredible moments in action sports ...
Red Bull Racing and Scuderia AlphaTauri F1 drivers race through Austria, solving challenges in unusual, traditional vehicles as a warm-up for the Austrian Grand Prix.
导语:2024年F1世界一级方程式锦标赛中国大奖赛时隔五年强势回归,奥地利RedBull车队车手麦克斯·维斯塔潘(Max Verstappen)再次展示强大的赛场统治力,夺得中国大奖赛分站冠军。奥地利RedBull全擎助力睽违已久的F1中国大奖赛,陪伴车手再登巅峰。奥地利Red Bull签约运动员谷爱凌亮相赛场,与车队车手麦克斯·维斯塔潘和塞尔吉奥·佩...
一级方程式赛车(Formula One、F1)Oracle Red Bull Racing车队(以下简称Red Bull)荷兰籍车手Max Verstappen週日(9日)凌晨在2024年一级方程式赛车加拿大大奖赛夺下冠军。Max Verstappen从第二位起跑,并于第47圈进站后一路保持领先,强势顶住了McLaren麦拉伦车队Lando Norris的挑战。本次胜利让Max Verstappen成为有史...
2023年F1世界一级方程式锦标赛收官之战——阿布扎比大奖赛近期落下帷幕,奥地利Red Bull车队及车队车手麦克斯·维斯塔潘势不可挡,一举包揽本赛季车队及车手双冠军。回顾整个赛季历程,奥地利Red Bull车队展现出强大的赛场统治力,并于日本大奖赛上提前六站问鼎2023赛季车队总冠军,六度荣膺车队总冠军,刷新车队记录。“赛车...
Red Bull team principal Christian Horner has opened up on motivating the team's former sporting director Jonathan Wheatley to take on the role of team principal
导语:2024年F1世界一级方程式锦标赛中国大奖赛时隔五年强势回归,奥地利Red Bull车队车手麦克斯·维斯塔潘(Max Verstappen)再次展示强大的赛场统治力,夺得中国大奖赛分站冠军。奥地利Red Bull全擎助力睽违已久的F1中国大奖赛,陪伴车手再登巅峰。奥地利Red Bull签约运动员谷爱凌亮相赛场,与车队车手麦克斯·维斯塔潘和塞尔吉奥...