Red wine bottles labeledRiojacoming from Spain can contain 100% Tempranillo or a blend of the red grape with additional varieties, like Garnacha. Red Blend Tasting Notes Because these wines can come from anywhere and incorporate many different types of grapes, the flavors can vary greatly between...
South African (Red Blend) Guide Sorted by score |Re-sort by price PriceKWG Score 1.Kanonkop 2020 "Paul Sauer"$7292.2 (5 reviews) 2.De Toren 2019 "Fusion V"$6591.5 (4 reviews) 3.Boekenhoutskloof 2020 "The Chocolate Block"$4091 (3 reviews)...
French - Rhone (Red Blend) Guide Sorted by score |Re-sort by price PriceKWG Score 1.Domaine Saint Damien 2020 "Les Souteyrades"$3895.3 (3 reviews) 2.Clos du Mont Olivet 2020 "Chateauneuf du Pape"$5393.5 (3 reviews) 3.Famille Perrin 2019 "Chateauneuf-du-Pape Les Sinards"$4591.6 (3 ...
Appellation d’Origine Protegée (AOP) laws and other protections of origin mean that only wine made in the Bordeaux area can, according to strict regulations, be officially labelled as Bordeaux. The success of the Bordeaux-style red blend has seen it exported to other regions, notably the Unit...
酒庄 Bridesmaid Red Blend, Napa Valley, USA 权威评分 Loading zoom Bridesmaid Red Blend, Napa Valley, USA权威评分 选择葡萄酒年份: 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 NV 后一页前一页 权威评分SCORE查看更多评分请选择葡萄酒年份 葡萄酒年份评分者分数评分时间适饮时间 ...
The most popular Red Blend wines. Most Popular Red Blend wine grape variety. Compare prices and buy Red Blend wines and thousands of other wines on Page 16 of 20.
红葡萄混酿(Red Blend)并不特指某一种葡萄品种,葡萄酒的法律法规中也无相关规定定义该混酿中可包含的葡萄品种。“红葡萄混酿”多出现于未详细罗列出葡萄品种的红葡萄酒酒标上,一般指多种红葡萄品种进行调配酿造而成的葡萄酒,例如波尔多红葡萄混酿(Bordeaux Red Blend)和GSM(歌海娜-西拉-慕合怀特)混酿等。
88 • Freixo 2020 Terroir Estate Red Blend, Alentejano 13.5% (Portugal) $35.00. 87 • Freixo Alvarinho 2021 Estate, Albarino, Alentejano 14% (Portugal) $33.00. Portuguese Red Serve in a Zinfandel Wine Glass While Portugal is best known for its production of Port wines, there are ...
duradero red blend (table wine) 年份全部年份 2006 ¥ 酒庄 duradero 产区 葡萄牙 风味特征雅致 有深度 红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载 猜你喜欢 2020年克瑞芙酒庄黑皮诺红葡萄酒 新西兰 » 中奥塔哥|克瑞芙酒庄 黑皮诺 博芬专享价 ¥305 跨境2015年歌碧酒庄红葡萄酒 法国» 波雅克|...
The most popular Red Blend wines. Most Popular Red Blend wine grape variety. Compare prices and buy Red Blend wines and thousands of other wines on Page 14 of 20.