Red blend is a broad-reaching term that refers to red wines made around the world by blending together different grape varieties. U.S. wine consumers see this terminology most commonly on the labels of full-bodiedCaliforniawines made fromMerlot,ZinfandelandSyrahin varying proportions. ...
South African (Red Blend) Guide Sorted by score |Re-sort by price PriceKWG Score 1.Kanonkop 2020 "Paul Sauer"$7292.2 (5 reviews) 2.De Toren 2019 "Fusion V"$6591.5 (4 reviews) 3.Boekenhoutskloof 2020 "The Chocolate Block"$4091 (3 reviews)...
French - Rhone (Red Blend) Guide Sorted by score |Re-sort by price PriceKWG Score 1.Domaine Saint Damien 2020 "Les Souteyrades"$3895.3 (3 reviews) 2.Clos du Mont Olivet 2020 "Chateauneuf du Pape"$5393.5 (3 reviews) 3.Famille Perrin 2019 "Chateauneuf-du-Pape Les Sinards"$4591.6 (3 ...
a warm climate lends success to the variety Syrah, more widely known there as Shiraz, which is also blended with other grapes into Rhône-style red blends. Shiraz often takes on a large role in these blends, which are often referred to asG-S-M, as they are often a blend of Grenache...
权威评分 Loading zoom Bridesmaid Red Blend, Napa Valley, USA权威评分 选择葡萄酒年份: 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 NV 后一页前一页 权威评分SCORE查看更多评分请选择葡萄酒年份 葡萄酒年份评分者分数评分时间适饮时间 2007 酒窖追踪 92--- 2006
红葡萄混酿(Red Blend)并不特指某一种葡萄品种,葡萄酒的法律法规中也无相关规定定义该混酿中可包含的葡萄品种。“红葡萄混酿”多出现于未详细罗列出葡萄品种的红葡萄酒酒标上,一般指多种红葡萄品种进行调配酿造而成的葡萄酒,例如波尔多红葡萄混酿(Bordeaux Red Blend)和GSM(歌海娜-西拉-慕合怀特)混酿等。
Bottom Line: A big wine for a big, rich dinner; intense and delicious. The Producer Herdade do Freixo Their Portfolio 87 • Freixo 2016 Art Herdade Do Freixo Red Blend, Alentejo 14% (Portugal) $125.00. 94 • Freixo 2017 Family Collection Estate Red Ble...
The most popular Red Blend wines. Most Popular Red Blend wine grape variety. Compare prices and buy Red Blend wines and thousands of other wines on Page 15 of 20.
The Prisoner Wine Company Red Blend 2015 Napa Valley, California, United States Community Score:91/100 Community Reviews:5 Add My Review Price:$54.95 Drink:2017-2022 Bottle size:750 ml Alcohol:15.2% Sweetness:Dry Wine Type:Red Wine Winery:The Prisoner Wine Company ...
The most popular Red Blend wines. Most Popular Red Blend wine grape variety. Compare prices and buy Red Blend wines and thousands of other wines on Page 19 of 20.