红色警戒2尤里的复仇单位价格介绍以及建造条件说明(Red Alert 2 Yuri revenge unit price introduction and construction condition description) I. allied units The power plant $800 can supply 200 (Allied construction plant) Allied Ore Refinery $2000 ore can now be converted into funds (Allied construction...
红色警戒2尤里的复仇单位价格介绍以及建造条件说明(Redalert2 yuri'srevengeunitpricedescriptionandconstruction conditionsnote) One.Alliedunits Powerplant$800powersupply200(alliedconstructionplant) Alliedorerefinery$2000orecanbeconvertedtocapital (alliedconstructionplant) Alliedbarracks$500torecruitinfantryunits(allied ...
1. Click on “Start” and then select “Programs,”“Westwood,”“Red Alert 2,”“Red Alert 2 Uninstall.” 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall process. TO UNINSTALL THROUGH THE AUTORUN FEATURE 1. Insert either the Allied or Soviet disc into the CD-ROM drive. ...
添加新派系:盟军 如果您想使用提前联合结算,则需要添加https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=821655202 新敌人小人: * G.I *攻城队(来自欧米茄) *狙击手:他们可以在很长的距离内攻击你的人 计时兵团:他们可以传送和移动东西。 *工程师:有时会放弃Faction技术核心 * Tanya:她只会出现在入侵后期。
--GAREFN] Allied barracks, --GAPILE] Allied radar --GARADR] Allied chariot factory --GAWEAP] Allied ACHQ --GAAIRC] Allied apron --GAHPAD] Allied docks, --GAYARD] Allied technology center, --GATECH] Allied ore refiner, --GAOREP] Allied walls --GAWALL] Machine gun bunker --GAPILL...
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, released in 2000, is a fast-paced real-time strategy game that epitomizes the over-the-top action and campy charm of the Command & Conquer series. Set in an alternate history where the Soviet Union launches a surprising invasion of the United States, player...
红色警戒2心灵终结3.0单位代码大全(Red Alert 2 end of mind 3 units of code Daquan) --- building --- Allied Architecture] Allied construction plant, --GACNST] Allied Ore Refinery, --GAREFN] Allied barracks, --GAPILE] Allied radar --GARADR] Allied chariot factory --GAWEAP] Allied ACHQ...
The Desolator is a heavy Soviet anti-surface elite infantry unit in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge, and is only available to Iraq as a country-specific unit. In the Allied campaign, they were only encountered in the occupied St. Louis
2. Afresh installof Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge to get the unmodified 4 mixes is advised (ie. ra2.mix, ra2md.mix, language.mix, langmd.mix). Copy those 4 mixes to the Mental Omega folder to fix the issue. » PROBLEM: "Client UI has incorrect elements" ...
2. A fresh install of Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge to get the unmodified 4 mixes is advised (ie. ra2.mix, ra2md.mix, language.mix, langmd.mix). Copy those 4 mixes to the Mental Omega folder to fix the issue. » PROBLEM: "Client UI has incorrect elements" Mental Omega Client...