A versatile unit, the Spy can gather many kinds of information on an enemy player – what they’re building, how much money they have, how many units they have, etc. Beware – Attack Dogs are not fooled by the Spy’s appearance.- Red Alert manual(src) ” ...
red alert 美 英 n.最高警戒 复数:red alerts 英英 n. 1. awarningthatsomethingverydangerousislikelytohappen
红色警戒 2 心灵终结 3.0 单位代码大全(Red Alert 2 end of mind 3 units of code Daquan) 红色警戒 2 心灵终结 3.0 单位代码大全(Red Alert 2 end of mind 3 units of code Daquan) --- building --- Allied Architecture] Allied construction plant, --GACNST] Allied Ore Refinery, --GAREFN] Alli...
Command & Conquer: Red Alert - The Aftermath(1997) William Randolph Allied Soldier Commander (as Bill Randolph) Command & Conquer(1995) Philip E. Shelburne Allied Soldier Commander Ex-Cop(1993) Eric Wang Allied Soldier Commander / Infantry & Units (voice) ...
红色警戒2心灵终结3.0单位代码大全(Red Alert 2 end of mind 3 units of code Daquan) --- building --- Allied Architecture] Allied construction plant, --GACNST] Allied Ore Refinery, --GAREFN] Allied barracks, --GAPILE] Allied radar --GARADR] Allied chariot factory --GAWEAP] Allied ACHQ...
红警2地图编辑器触发解释(Red Alert 2 map editor trigger explanation) 热度: Red Alert 3 commander and weapons introduction(红警3指挥官及部分武器介绍) 热度: 红警秘籍1(RedAlert1cheats) Asarchitectureisfast A:pointsplayer,league.(don'twaittoseealliesafterthe ...
- Kane (Red Alert setup) ” “ For the foreseeable future... Comrade Chairman, I am the future.- Kane (Red Alert Soviet ending) ” “ When we are crushing the black hearts of our oppressors, we will find our hands blackened. We cannot cultivate our garden without digging in the dirt...
Red Alert RebirthC&C: Red Alert: Remastered mod | Released 2020 summary articles tutorials reviews files videos images Expansion for C&C Remastered Red Alert Adding back in Volkov and Chitzoki along with many other units to flesh out the gameplay. This will also be the main page for any "...
Full news coverage and modding support for Command & Conquer games such as Red Alert 3, Tiberium Wars, Generals, Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun and expansions. We also provide help and tutorials for modders, public researchs and a C&C community in our forums
红色警戒2修改方法(RedAlert2modifymethod) Canviewthefullversionof"RedAlert2"RULES(superdetailed tutorialintroductiontomodifytherules)** MysteriousHallCommunity-singlegame-"RedAlert2"RULES ruleschangetutorialtutorial(superdetailed)[printpage] login-Registration-replytheme-publishedtheme MyNanXuanpalace,2010-08-...