Return ValueIf no error occurs, this function returns the number of bytes received. If the connection has been gracefully closed, the return value is zero. If an error occurs, a value of SOCKET_ERROR is returned, and a specific error code can be retrieved by calling WSAGetLastError....
socket.recvfrom(bufsize[, flags])Receive data from the socket. The return value is a pair (bytes, address) where bytes is a bytes object representing the data received and address is the address of the socket sending the data. See the Unix manual page recv(2) for the meaning...
Return Value Remarks 顯示其他 2 個 1/6/2010This function receives a datagram and stores the source address.Syntax複製 int recvfrom( SOCKET s, char FAR* buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr FAR* from, int FAR* fromlen ); Parameters...
Return Value Remarks Show 2 more 3/26/2014This function receives a datagram and stores the source address.SyntaxCopy int recvfrom( SOCKET s, char FAR* buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr FAR* from, int FAR* fromlen ); Parameters...
CALL BPX1RFM,(Socket_descriptor, Buffer_length, Buffer, Buffer_alet, Flags, Sockaddr_length, Sockaddr, Return_value, Return_code, Reason_code) AMODE 64 の呼び出し元は BPX4RFM を使用しますが、指定するパラメーターは同じです。 パラメーター Socket_descriptor 指定パラ...
received, the return value is 0. 如果tcp stream 的 recv 超时呢,返回的是-1,并且errno = EAGIN,告诉我们继续去读取数据,这里和udp上面是或的是一致的. 总结下,就是就算recv失败,除非你自己调用close, 否则server端的管道是不会关闭的,但是server可以知道连接上的管道是否close掉了. ...
ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE MT-Level MT-Safe SEE ALSO poll(2), recv(3XN), recvmsg(3XN), select(3C) send(3XN), sendmsg(3XN), sendto(3XN), shutdown(3XN), socket(3XN), attributes(5) SunOS 5.7 Last Revised 8 May 1998 NAME | SYNOPSIS | DESCRIPTION | USAGE | RETURN VALUES ...
Parameters Return Value Remarks Show 2 more 3/26/2014This function receives data on a socket and stores the source address.SyntaxCopy int WSARecvFrom( SOCKET s, LPWSABUF lpBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRecvd, LPDWORD lpFlags, struct sockaddr FAR* lpFrom, LPINT lp...
socket.recvfrom(bufsize[, flags]) Receive data from the socket. The return value is a pair (bytes, address) where bytes is a bytes object representing the data received and address is the address of the socket sending the data recvfrom函数返回值问题for(int i=0;i ...
If address is a nonzero value, the source address is returned. address_len The size of name in bytes. If address is nonzero, the source address of the message is filled. address_len must first be initialized to the size of the buffer associated with address and is then modified, on ...