Rectal prolapse is a surprisingly common disorder, most often seen in women in late middle age and beyond, which may begin with a number of minor symptoms of very gradual onset. Sufferers commonly ignore these symptoms or bring them to the attention of primary care physicians, who frequently ...
Surgical treatment of rectal prolapse remains one of the most controversial topics in colorectal surgery. Different views and a large number of (named) operations are described in the surgical literature. For no particular reason, different operations have been in vogue in different continents and sur...
Regina Stepherson needed surgery for rectocele, a prolapse of the wall between the rectum and the vagina. From Washington Post A few weeks later, I was at my kids’ public school fundraiser, drinking and rage-telling the story of discovering the word rectocele. From The Guardian He examined ...
Rectal prolapse can be diagnosed easily by having the patient strain as if to defecate. A laparoscopic rectopexy should be recommended. Intussusception is more an epiphenomenon than a cause of defecatory disorder and should be managed conservatively. Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome is a consequence ...
Rectal prolapse is best diagnosed by physical examination and by having the patient strain as if to defecate; a laparoscopic rectopexy is the preferred treatment approach. Intussusception is more an epiphenomena than a defecatory disorder and should be managed conservatively. Solitary rectal ulcer sy...
Uterine prolapse is the protrusion of the cervix/uterus into or out of the vaginal canal and is associated with apical defects of the vagina. Because the uterus cannot descend without carrying some parts of the upper, anterior, or posterior vaginal walls with it, concomitant defects of these co...
Define rectocele. rectocele synonyms, rectocele pronunciation, rectocele translation, English dictionary definition of rectocele. n pathol a protrusion or herniation of the rectum into the vagina Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12t
Releve offers women an simple way to overcome rectocele and pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Learn more about the Releve Vaginal Splint.
Rectal prolapse, intussusception (occult rectal prolapse), solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS), and rectocele have many features in common and may share a common pathogenesis. Constipation, especially an evacuation disorder, often underlies these abnormalities. Chronic straining may cause intussusception...
Rectal prolapse is a surprisingly common disorder, most often seen in women in late middle age and beyond, which may begin with a number of minor symptoms of very gradual onset. Sufferers commonly ignore these symptoms or bring them to the attention of primary care physicians, who frequently ...