Rectal prolapse is a surprisingly common disorder, most often seen in women in late middle age and beyond, which may begin with a number of minor symptoms of very gradual onset. Sufferers commonly ignore these symptoms or bring them to the attention of primary care physicians, who frequently ...
There are four stages of POP, classified by the degree of organ descent, indicating how severe the prolapse is. Stage one POP is usually asymptomatic; whereas, the advanced stages of POP require surgical intervention to limit interference with sexual, urinary and defecation functions (The National...
Rectal prolapse is a surprisingly common disorder, most often seen in women in late middle age and beyond, which may begin with a number of minor symptoms of very gradual onset. Sufferers commonly ignore these symptoms or bring them to the attention of primary care physicians, who frequently ...
The preoperative and postoperative symptom scores and stages of the posterior vaginal wall prolapse were recorded. The end points were reassessed at six months, postoperatively. Preoperatively, 39 patients had Stage II and 44 patients had Stage III rectocele. The mean total symptom score was 9.87 ...
Conclusion: A pelvic organ prolapse is a condition in which the bladder bulges through the anterior vaginal wall into the vaginal canal and the rectum bulges through the posterior vaginal wall into the vaginal canal. Females are more likely to experience this condition after m...