1. recognize意为“认出,识别”,通常搭配为“recognize sb./sth. as sth.”,表示“认出某人/某物为...”。 2. recognize还可以表示“承认,确认”,搭配为“recognize sth./that...”,如“recognize the problem”(承认问题)。 3. recognize用于表示“对...表示赞赏”,搭配为“recognize sb./sth. for st...
recognize sb. for sth.:因某成就或特质而表彰或识别。 例句:She was recognized for her contributions to education. (她因对教育的贡献受到表彰。) 参考知识中的“recognize success”即强调对成功行为的肯定。 recognize sb. with sth./by doing sth.:通过具体奖励或行动表达认可。 例...
嘿,咱今天就来好好唠唠“recognize”的那些固定搭配和短语呀!你看,“recognize sb/sth as sth”,这不就像是你一眼认出你的好朋友是那个超有趣的家伙一样嘛!比如说,“I recognize him as my neighbor”(我认出他是我的邻居)。还有“recognize sth with sth”,这就好像给一个东西贴上一个特定的标签一样明...
recognize sb./sth. as sth. 承认/认出某人/某物是…… be recognized as 被认为是…… recognize the validity of 承认……的有效性 词根词缀及记忆方法: 词根为“cogn-”,意为“知道”,与“know”同源。加上动词后缀“-ize”,构成“recognize”,表示“使……被知道”,引申为“认出、承认”等含义。记忆...
recognize sb./sth. ...承认某人(物)是...___被公认为...___人们公认...___ recognition 认不出来2.___非某人所能...;难以...___只不过,仅仅___不超过,至多than不同于;除了___ than而不是_than 不到.少于3. make use ___利用make the of充分利用make ___ use of充分(好好)利用make ...
recognize sb./sth. for sth./doing sth.: 在这个短语中,recognize表示对某人/某物因某事或做某事而表示赞赏或表彰。例如,“He was recognized for his outstanding contributions to the company.”(他因对公司的杰出贡献而受到表彰。) recognize sb./sth. with sth./by doi...
recognize sb./sth. with sth./by doing sth.:此搭配表示“赏识,表彰”。例如,“The city recognized him with a medal for his bravery.”(城市因他的勇敢而授予他一枚奖章。) 三、常见错误 在使用recognize时,需要注意避免以下常见错误: 误用为名词:recognize是一个动词,不...
词块积累 (1)recognise sb. /one's voice 认出某人/听出某人 的声音 recognise sb. /sth. as/ to be 承认...是... be recognised to be/ as... 被认作.../被认为 是... recognise that... 认识到/承认... It is recognised that... 人们公认...;人们 意识到... (2) recognition n. ...
recognize sb/sth for sth:因某事而认出/承认某人/某物 例句:We recognize him for his bravery.(我们因他的勇敢而认识他。) recognize the need/importance/value of sth:认识到某事的需要/重要性/价值 例句:More and more people are recognizing the importance of recycling.(越来越多的人认识到回收的重要...
4. recognise/recognize ot.认出,识别;承认,认可;认识到[归纳拓展](1)recognise sb./sth.认出某人;识别出某物recognise. . as/to be承认……是;认出……是It is recognised that..人们公认……(2)recognition n.认出;认识beyond recognition认不出来[考点对接]单句语法填空①(2019·江苏卷)China's image ...