The company confirmed that the project was completed on time.:公司确认项目已按时完成。 confirm with + sb./sth. 表示与某人或某事物确认某事,通常用于询问或核实例如:信息。 I need to confirm with the manager about the meeting time.:我需要和经理确认会议时间。 I will confirm with the supplier ab...
1. confirm sth/sb/that。 用法:用来确认某事,承认某人或者某种事实。 例句: The police confirmed that the suspect had been arrested. 警方证实嫌疑犯已被逮捕。 2. confirm to/with sb。 用法:表示对某人的确认,以证实某人的真实性。 例句: The police confirmed with the witness that the suspect had be...
sympathy. express one's sympathy for sth表示表达对某事的同情 7.proclaimed.宣布、 宣告、 这里指总统宣告了公众的独立 8. annoys. one thing that annoys me表示困扰我的一件事 9. dissatisfaction.不满意, dissatisfaction among workers表示工人 间的不满 10. confirm. confirm with sb表示和某人确认 反馈...
(1)confirm sb.sth.使某人确信某事confirm one's belief 坚定信念It has been confirmed that ..已经确定…confirm sth./that从句/wh-从句(尤指通过提供更多证据)证实……(2)confirmationn.证实;证明;确认书(3)adj.坚定的;根深蒂固的 答案 (1)in (3)confirmed相关推荐 1(1)confirm sb.sth.使某人确信某事...
Confirm:To make a position, an agreement, etc. more definite or official; to establish sb/sth firmly. 强调按一定的程序提请批准(职位、协议等);确认;认可。例如:After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed. 经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正式担任该职。Sanction:official ...
(尤指提供证据来)证实,证明,确认to state or show that sth is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence 2. ~ sth.~ sb (in sth) 使感觉更强烈;使确信to make sb feel or believe sth even more strongly 3. 批准(职位、协议等);确认;认可to make a position, an agreement, etc...
or to agree with or match sth. 它指的是以同一群体或社会中大多数人的相同方式行动和思考; 或指遵守规则、法律等;或指同意或与某事相符合。 Tom refused to conform to local customs. Tom拒绝遵从当地的习俗。 The building does not conform with safe...
2.confirm vt.证实;证明(尤指提供证据来证明);批准confirm sb. in sth.使某人确信某事confirm sb. in one's belief坚定某人的信念It has been confirmed that ...已经确定……单句语法填空/补全句子①The latest evidence confirmed mehishonesty.②最近的空难坚定了我的信念,那就是需要更完善的安全规则。The ...
(1)confirm sb.sth.使某人确信某事confirm one's belief坚定信念It has been confirmed that .已经确定confirm sth./that从句/wh-从句(尤指通过提供更多证据)证实(2)confirmation n.证实;证明;确认书(3)confirmed adj.成习惯的;根深蒂固的 答案 (1)in相关推荐 1(1)confirm sb.sth.使某人确信某事confirm one...
confirm sb. in sth. 使某人确信某事It has been confirmed that… 已经确定…… (1)What you have said confirms my opinion.你的话证实了我的看法。 (2)The latest evidence confirmed me in his honesty.最新的证据让我坚信他是诚实的。 (3)___ has been confirmed that the singer...