Robinhood trading app breach Also in November 2021, a data breach of the trading app Robinhood affected the data of around 5 million users. Data like usernames, email addresses, and phone numbers were compromised through a customer support system. BitMart cyberattack Yet another cybersecurity ...
MIDGLEYNEWSDo you have any news of people or places? Do let me know via theGuestbookand I'll post them up Recent additions to pagesPage12 *18th February 2025 A photograph of pupils from Cawthorne Mixed School, South Yorkshire circa 1921 kindly sent by Chris Moxon, has been added to theCa...
The events led to some retail investor apps such as Robinhood—which says its goal is to "democratize finance for all"—to limittradingin some of the most volatile stocks last week, drawing the ire of critics. Progressive US senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren called for action against...