@IGcom Just wondering if you're down for upgrades.. I still have a small account with you and doing eow checks. Usually I get a downtime email a few days ahead but I searched and can't see anything. Connor (@connor607) reported 32 minutes ago @IGcom having technical issues with ...
Zuckerberg said last week that advertisements will likely bea key source of revenuein the metaverse, just as they are for the company today. But some in the space worry that an ad-based business model will createhaves, who can afford to pay for an ad-free headset or metaverse experience, ...
Berger, D., Berg, B., Zhu, T., Sen, S., Harchol-Balter, M.: Robinhood: Tail latency aware caching—dynamic reallocation from cache-rich to cache-poor. In: 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2018), pp. 195–212, Carlsbad, CA (2018) Bienia, C...