(VRPinea 12月21日讯)今日重点新闻:VR社交平台《Rec Room》近日宣布,已完成1.45亿美元融资,新资金将用于扩展新平台,以及继续打造提供给创造者的工具套件;HTC与万代南梦宫影业合作推出原创动漫《BIRDIE WING-Golf Girls’Story》,并在上周发布了官方预告片;VR社交平台VRChat今天宣布,将于明年发布虚拟化身Avatar Dynamics...
游戏UGC 现状 | 月活第二梯队御三家: 1. 支持游戏内 Web「小程序」开发、Mod 开发、服务化功能开发的 Overwolf 2. 依靠 TRPG 机制实现了「最垂直化 + 最平台化」的 Roll20(跑团工具) 3. VR 社交游戏平台 Rec Room(完全介于平台和游戏、垂直和泛化之间,不愧是「元宇宙」…) ...
©© 22001177 EEllsseevviieerr;;aanndd((bb))mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnooffffiibbeerrssmmaattrriixx ((TTPPUU//WWFF)) wwiitthh mmooddiiffiieerr ((EEPPDDMM--gg--MMAAHH)) aaddaapptteedd ffrroomm [[116644]],, wwiitthh ppeerrmmiissssiioonnffrroomm©© 22001188 EEllsseevviieerr....
Room temperature reactions involving silicon dangling bond centers and molecular hydrogen in amorphous SiO2 thin films on silicon. IEEE Trans. Nuclear Sci. 39, 2186–2191 (1992). Article CAS Google Scholar Haggag, A., Liu, N., Menke, D. & Moosa, M. Physical model for the power-law ...
This choice is attributed to the large exciton binding energy (~60 meV at room temperature) and naturally formed disordered polycrystalline, which supports strong optical scattering. Besides, electrically pumped RLs using other semiconductors and structures have also been reported including AlGaInP ...
Room temperature XRD patterns of La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ (LSC) and Pr0.5Sr0.5CoO3-δ Catalysts 2023, 13, 483 properties and the stability of as-prepared catalysts were also evaluated in home-made rechargeable zinc–air batteries. 2. Results and Discussion The XRD measurement was applied to ...
Faster convergence rate at room temperature is clearly observed, and the recognition rate remains ultimately over 90% in different environment (Fig. 5g), which exhibits an excellent tolerance to the extreme conditions. These experimental results indicate that such neural devices have the potential to ...