(VRPinea 12月21日讯)今日重点新闻:VR社交平台《Rec Room》近日宣布,已完成1.45亿美元融资,新资金将用于扩展新平台,以及继续打造提供给创造者的工具套件;HTC与万代南梦宫影业合作推出原创动漫《BIRDIE WING-Golf Girls’Story》,并在上周发布了官方预告片;VR社交平台VRChat今天宣布,将于明年发布虚拟化身Avatar Dynamics...
VR社交平台Rec Room宣布已与知名YouTube博主MrBeast达成合作。从即日起至5月1日,登陆Rec Room的玩家将能免费获得一件杀手级MrBeat T恤。不需要任何挑战,玩家只要完成注册,然后在VR头显或任何其他兼容的游戏设备上访问Rec Room,即可获得该虚拟服装。 据了解,此次合作只是Rec Room与知名品牌或博主的一系列跨界合作活动...
dexteryy Building Immersive/Spatial Web 游戏UGC 现状 | 月活第二梯队御三家: 1. 支持游戏内 Web「小程序」开发、Mod 开发、服务化功能开发的 Overwolf 2. 依靠 TRPG 机制实现了「最垂直化 + 最平台化」的 Roll20(跑团工具) 3. VR 社交游戏平台 Rec Room(完全介于平台和游戏、垂直和泛化之间,不愧...
You may see the following problem when querying a PolyBase external table pointing to a generic ODBC external data source. We have observed this error...
Due to officials’ participation in the implementation of specific projects, there is room for corruption. We use the concept of “corruption space” to quantify officials’ rights, which demonstrates that officials can maximize their rent-seeking benefits. Total corruption space for all officials is...
Major advances in the precision of magnetic measurements bring us closer to quantum detection of individual spins at the single-atom level. On the quest for reducing both classical and quantum measurement noise, it is intriguing to look forward and searc
In the model of Cseh et al., there is a set of rooms with integer sizes and any coalition must be allocated to exactly one room where the size of the room is exactly the size of the coalition. Cseh et al. studied two specific variants of this model, involving so-called \({\mathscr...
Low-energy room-temperature optical switching in mixed-dimensionality nanoscale perovskite heterojunctions. Sci. Adv. 7, eabf1959 (2021). Article ADS CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zhu, C. et al. Optical synaptic devices with ultra-low power consumption for neuromorphic computing. ...